Does anyone suffer from cramp. I get terrible cramp in my feet and it seems to be getting worse. I have PBC and Fibromyalgia.
Cramp: Does anyone suffer from cramp. I get... - PBC Foundation

Hi Jules,
I get Charlie horse like cramps in my abdomen, calves, and feet. So far I don't have any medical reason that would explain this. My doc has advised me to keep hydrated.
I get cramp in my feet too, very painful especially when you wake..I have PBC.
Hi Jules
I get cramp in my feet when I've been standing for a while, especially on a cold, hard surface. I also have pbc.
I have PBC and get really bad cramp in my feet especially when doing exercise.
Hi Jules, yes I get it all the time , along with the severe itching it too can wake me through the night and I have to get up and walk about till it goes ! The effects of this condition just seem to be endless .
Thanks for the reply. Fortunately I don't get the itching so I suppose I should be thankful and get on with it 😊
Thank you for taking the time to reply. At least I know now. The support you get on here is great 🙂 x
My husband has cramping feet all time and gets worse at night
I was told by a friend to eat a banana before bed worth a try
I have cramping in calves and feet.
This started happening when i cut dairy out of my diet. (I used to regularly consume raw goats milk and kefir and cheese.) My health coach suggested i supplement calcium magnesium. I am taking 2 caps Bone-up (by Jarrow Formulas) 3 times daily with meals. This seems to be helping. Cramps have stopped. My boyfriend, a long time cramp sufferer has gotten results with Bone up during the day and K2 before going to sleep at night. He believes it is the K2 that is causing the results. He mentioned that Dr Mercola and his wife eliminated cramps with K2. Coincidentally, i noticed Bone-up does have K2 in it.... so i am going to experiment with a K2 supplement exclusively to determine if that is the determining factor.
Hi, Yes I do too, particularly in my toes recently, for no apparent reason. I don't itch either!
Apple cider vinegar ( organic )
A shot glass amount with a little honey and hot water twice a day ..
Part of my remedy kit and is helpful
Use it on my skin ( without honey) for itching and is good at relieving it temporarily
Shower then apply all over , leave it for 5 mins and just rinse off with cool shower .. if you have time dry au natural.. I don't use soap and wash my hair separately ..
Also can try asking your Doc about quinine tabs for cramps
Tonic water containing quinine although it's in small amounts
Regular walking and stretching ...
all part of strategy but each to their own ..
hope this is useful ..
SlowMag works very well for me and my friends. 2 pills before bed works wonders. Walmart has the best price. But they sell out pretty fast so I order from
Best luck to you.
I did get cramps but I knew I had read about that's a sign of a magnesium deficiency so I began taking one magnesium tablet daily and the cramps stopped immediately it also stopped the constipation I had when first starting on urso.
Hi, I also get cramp in my feet, especially when trying to exercise. My consultant says it has nothing to do with PBC. Interesting that a lot of us have noticed this. I have stopped exercising (bad I know but I feel too tired) - need to start again! I take urso, calcium and vit D. Right now medication works well for me, but I spend all my energy on full-time work and family. I have gained weight and lost muscle mass. Need to get in better shape! I have tried magnesium spray but didn't notice any effect. I guess I just need to get started with walks, swimming and moving around more...
I also get cramping in my feet. Also when I exercise. I have tried bananas, tonic water, plenty of hydration and magnesium. In addition, my feet get very cold.
I was having severe cramps in my toes & Charlie horses in my calves, almostvto the point of being sick. I had noticed when my thyroid was wayvout of whack is when they were the worse. I hardly slept for 3 weeks at one point. I told my dr I couldn’t take it anymore. He checked thyroid & I was getting way too much. When thyroid straightened out so did Charlie horses. And it always would catch me in a deep sleep. I have also wondered if it may have been caused by the statin. They’re hell!
I also thought it might be the statin so went off of it for 3 months and still got it.