I have been getting lots of cramps in my legs and feet lately and have just read this is a possible symptom of liver disease. This is the first time in 14 years I have heard it is related to cirrhosis. Has anyone else heard of this?
Leg cramp : I have been getting lots of... - PBC Foundation
Leg cramp

Hi I have had these symptoms for ages now . I am going to ask my dr if it could be connected next time I go.
No I never heard it - but I do get lower leg cramping most nights
Yes i get this and fidgety legs...cant find anywhere comfy to sit.... some times drives me mad especially on.car journeys etc.ask docs ive been prescibed some meds for it.i yhink its something to do with electrolyye imbalance..hope this helps.cazer
I have something called Restless Leg Syndrome/RLS. I take Requip/Ropinrole 1-2mg at night! It usually helps, but now I'm getting bad leg cramps along with The RLS and it keeps me awake half the night! Fidgety legs is a perfect name for Wat they call here RLS! You cud ask your doc about the med I take and it may help you as well! Good luck and GODSPEED!
Yes. This PBC auto immune can affect your whole body, scary hey?
Hi Rockie what is PBC?
Hi Rocky! As we all say we have been thru the mill with doctors! IDint think I have pbs??? I'm going to eye doc to today to find out if I have Sojerns, not sure of the spelling! For a few years now I've had pain on my right side and right rib! I'm a right sided sleeper and sometime pain so bad I must turn and can't sleep on left, I kinda now sleep on my tummy toward the right Sid and that seems to help! I've read posts on pbs only cuz I'm a computer dummy & somehow got here! Kerstin from Stickholm has asked me to get tested for Sojerns, but my Hemotologist has no idea about APS! I tested him today cuz I have a very Rare Blood disorder called PV/ Polycythemia Vera! Your legs and feet itch, but wen I asked him if the APS caused it he stupidly said no! Many APS sufferers have the itchy body's! I plans on going to a study at The Hospital Fir Soecial Surgery! The Gene that causes APS also causes PV so there is one other person that was calls a word like phenomenon with that! I don't think she knew The JAK 2 Gene caused both! The PV is also a thick blood disease! They call my blood SLUDGE! Lol... Do u think if I go c some kind of specialist for APS study the shud test me for PBC? I'm confused and lied to by my primary and Hemotologist! Not life to, IGNORANCE!