Anyone had a Group B Strep urine infection, I am on 3rd course of antibiotics and struggling to clear this.
Group B Strep Urine Infection: Anyone had a... - PBC Foundation
Group B Strep Urine Infection
I also struggle with urine infection. Once a month.You must drink Probotica every day.
Strongs for you.
Yes, I've Ben sick with upper respiratory infection since Dec 5th, fever, chills, fatigue, now I'm down to just coughing at annoying. At least I don't need to cough after I talk. It's finally better after 2 months and a week. 3 rounds of antibiotics and cough pills, plus an inhaler. Having monthly blood drawn today so will see what the effect on my enzymes is.
I have monthly UTI infections, going back to specialist this month for annual follow up. Methanamine course to start, daily 64 oz water, probiotic, vitamin c and cranberry pills keep it at bay. I'm so tired of getting antibiotics I take otc urinary pain relief until pain goes away.
I had a lot of issues with infection s but I take probiotics regularly. This seems to help