Does any body have stomach ulcers and bowel trouble or cysts.
And anyone able to get help to reduce working hours!
Does any body have stomach ulcers and bowel trouble or cysts.
And anyone able to get help to reduce working hours!
Hi Janine. Have you had Endoscopy to confirm stomach ulcers? I had symptoms, waking with bad stomach discomfort for months, Endoscopy was negative though! I have seen a Nutritionist and now follow a gluten free diet and take a daily pro-biotic. This might help you either way? You ought to be tested for H-Pylori bacteria if you do have ulcers so they can confirm how to treat it - PPIs plus antibiotic if that's the case, but don't stay on the PPIs for ever. Are you looking to reduce work hours as you are in pain, or more from fatigue. Print off some information from this site and take it into show your Employee - it will help you explain the symptoms to them that they cannot see. Hope they are supportive x
I hav stomach ulcers and IBS PBC & AiH ... had the *
IBS since I was I my early 20's and ulcers since I was pregnant 11 years ago.
PBC is getting worse thinking of taking a leave at least reducing my hours
I just had a cyst removed last week I'm now going to put it on the list to ask the Dr(s) I also have many GI diseases WORK is not possible or healthy pbc plus is to much listen to your body !
Yes I went in for a gastroscopy to check for varices which they found 2level3 but also discovered multiple stomach ulcers... Which i then had tabs for.i hit a lot of pain but just blamed it on my liver.
As far as working is concerned I was signed off 18 yrs ago.l wanted to go back to work but sàdly was not well enough.....The fatigue sickness bowel problems were just too much and so docs signed me off.i eventually got sick pay and dißabilty living allowance.
Go and see your GP explain your problems don't be fobbed off...If you can't manage work you can't.i loved my job as a dispensing optician but I just couldn't do it.
Good luck and best wishes cazer.