going away in aug have travel insurance. mentioned about pbc. they said i needed to do a medical screen. it was £94 for me. its down as Cirrhosis . I dobt have cirrhosis. shoukd i take extra cover out or just leave it with standard cover. this wont covervanything relating to PBC. Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance
Extra travel insurance yes or no? - PBC Foundation
Extra travel insurance yes or no?

Hello Louedwards.
PBC stood for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis when I was diagnosed December 2010. It was decided a couple years ago that it is now to be known as Primary Biliary Cholangitis (I disagree with). PBC in a patient might never become cirrhosis as we with PBC tend to know.
I once did a dummy quote for myself as I was planning an holiday (didn't go, was just a plan) and there was a medical screen for PBC. I ticked all the boxes that should in my opinion have been in my favour (I don't have cirrhosis, I've not been in hospital in the last 12mths with PBC and I think there is the mention of ascites) but the price still went up.
Check out online with LIver North's website, they compile an updated list of insurance companies who at the time are reckoned to cover patients with PBC and other liver issues. Left of their home page you can find it to click on.
I can't state my own experience as I've never been out of the UK as yet. I've never had insurance pre-PBC nor following diagnosis for hols in the UK.
At the end of the day you aren't required to go on holiday and have cover that includes PBC but it is at own risk. If you were to fall sick on holiday and it was linked to PBC then it would render your cover more than likely invalid perhaps. As I see it though anyone planning a holiday out of their own country should in the event also be prepared to take out relevant insurance cover regardless. This is just how I see it.

it would only accept primary biliary cirrhosis not chlongitis. so no choice. i will have cover
just standard cover like anyone else. im not ill as such early stages as they put it.
Hello again Louedwards.
PBC is still known as primary biliary cirrhosis but at some point it will apparently start to change as the terminology is more universally known.
Saying that regardless, it is what it is regardless of the name.
I disagreed with the suggested name change when it was originally mentioned several years ago. There was some survey being undertook and you will find more information from PBC Foundation regarding as noticed they have now changed it on their Bear Facts newsletters.
I disagree with the terminology 'cholangitis' simply because when I first heard it to me I thought of temporary health issues like tonsillitis, laryngitis to mention two due to these tending to be just that. the word 'itis' is said to mean 'inflammation' but once again, other minor health issues can cause inflammation. With PBC it can go on to develop into cirrhosis for some and though majority of us never will have this, it is just that.
Also it could perhaps mean that some insurance companies under the new name of PBC might downgrade it and though a bonus to the customer, if it worked like that for the disability benefit system (I do not claim any benefits I might add. I do read the experience of others as in future I don't know if I might have to claim), there would be a bit of an outcry. To me it can't work all ways.

yes very true. Just im fit and healthy right now and cant see it changing in the nrar future. To be honest i have looked elsewhere to cover myself see if it will be a little cheaper 😊
Go to another TI company. The name of PBC was changed to cholangitis from cirrhosis, and there is no excuse, by now, for reputable travel companies to not have updated their databases.
One of the main reasons for the name change was that, now, with early detection of PBC and the use of Urso, as well as other advice on diet, alcohol, exercise, weight etc, then PBC rarely proceeds to a cirrhotic state. I would find yourself a company that specialises in travel cover for with those for pre-existing conditions.
I would also consider reporting this company to the ombudsman, as their medical databases are not up-to-date, and - unless your medical record specifically states that you have cirrhosis - they are falsely labelling you.
However, it may well be that you will still have to pay a higher premium, as companies that cover people with pre-existing conditions are taking much greater risks, and have to cover themselves. I would put another post asking for advice on good TI Firms, but also go and talk to your GP first, and make sure you have copies of the letters from PBC consultants, etc - as well as all details of any other pre-existing conditions - so that you can be exact when you talk to the Ti people, and quote your GP and official diagnoses etc. Hope this helps, and that you do get away and have a good holiday.
hi, I am in the same boat as you,I feel fine and the hospital has not recalled me for nearly 2 years. Last year I went to America and paid £200 for insurance cover as I dare not go that far without it. This year its a week in Spain and I really dont know whether to get PBC cover or just a standard one. It really is a minefield.
Hi Louedwards,If you try to claim for anything that has nothing to do with pbc they won't pay out. On a claim they will request your medical records and as soon as they see pbc your claim will be rejected. Somewhere in the terms and conditions your policy will tell you of you have not disclosed all medical conditions your policy will be void. Personally I don't think it's worth the risk?
Hi again, Have you tried all clear insurance,they're very reasonable, I have had a heart attack as well as pbc and found they were much cheaper than others. X
the travel insurance company have told me i dont have to take the extra insurance. i have standard cover. they are aware of PBC . they said if i claim for anything connected to pbc it will be void. i really don't have any plans to claim for anything. just go on my first holiday abroad 😏
Hiya, nobody does plan to. Not trying to be negative but it would just take a fall, broken wrist or something for you to need to claim. But if your insurance company has said that,don't worry about it but try to get what they said in writing,just in case. Have a lovely holiday 😊 x
I know this is an old post but after six years, nothing seems to have changed. Like others I have the diagnosis but thankfully none of the cirrhosis. I take URSO and have annual blood tests. Nothing has changed in 20 years so it's unlikely to suddenly become critical in weeks/months. I've been looking for a long cruise, like round the world, before I get too old to make the most of it. Many insurers are offering me reasonable cover for my long trip without including PBC. When I add the condition, the price goes up 10 fold (£340 to £3200 for a 19 day cruise), or they refuse completely. Does anyone know of an insurer who has brought things up to date? Also, does anyone know whether the Ombudsman might take action if we complained.