Hi everyone was wondering if anyone knows a good shampoo and something for my hair I'm on 1,000mg ursodeoxycholic per day my hair is fine anyway and now it's getting worse. Any help for me. X
Fine hair : Hi everyone was wondering if... - PBC Foundation
Fine hair

hi im using fibrology shampoo and conditioner. its supposed to make your hair thicker wash after wash. its hard to tell if my hair is getting any thicker as i'v only started using it for about 3 washes, there is also a thing called a lasercomb that you can use to comb your hair and it makes it grow and it does work but only if you still have hair follicle's as i had one years ago and it made my hair really thick and nice, i have another one now and im not sure if my hairs getting any thicker as when we are ill our hair does get thin at least mine has i always had fine hair but i had lots of it i was shocked to see how much hair im loosing, i cant say I'm loosing it as i'v not seen it on the pillow or in the hairbrush but it seems to be getting finer and finer and someone i had not seen for 7 years said that i was getting really thin on top i was so upset im thining of getting some kind of wig.. as i think they would be good as we can change our looks with diferent ones,im 65 and had been very ill all last year and for 7 years on medication that took its toll on me and i took two years to get of it as thats how slowly you have to cut it down, i would try the fibrology shampoo. there is also another shampoo on the market called alpecin but ihave that too and read the instructions and it says it stops he hair falling out not make it thicker where as the fibrology says it makes it thicker was after wash. there are many things we can get to make our hair grow but they wont work if the hair follicle is dead. so you would need to find that out. all the best love grace xoxoxo
Do you really thonk it is from the drug? The reason I ask is my hair has been fine and thin but kayely is getting worst and it is falling out a bit more. I have been on my meds since late Sept
Paula Young wigs on the Internet. By them on sale as low as 35 dollars and they look good.
Hi. U think it is the Urso ?
Hi Dese
I have always had thin fine hair but at 65 and having been on Urso for over 10 years my hair is definitely thinner as are my eyebrows, but I don't know if it is age or medication. I have tried different shampoos but nothing seems to make that much difference to me. I keep my hair short to keep it in as best condition as I can.
I think if there was something available then celebrities would use it and the media would tell us all about it.
the celebritys go and get laser therapy if you google laser therapy for hair you will see all the devices you can buy for home use as its very expensive.also those celebrities have hair peices and make up and wardrobe and hairdressers doing there hair all the time and get hair pieces put in however once you start to have lots of grey hairs and are always dying it its very hard to put extensions and things in the hair as within 4or 5 weeks my grey hair is about nearly 1/2 and inch.im really thinking about getting some wigs as they would be good fun and we could change our looks with them and wouldnt need to keep dying the hair im sick of it and the prices as the hairdresser to get it done is far to much for me. if you do see those devices for home use laser therapy you have to make sure that you have hair follicles are they wont work as i said in my post above. i have a theradome and its not working for me now, to me my hair teeth and eyebrows are so important to me. good luck in finding something. im wary of those nioxin shampoos as i'v read that people have had problems with high blood pressure although the manufacturer does not say this. but i'v read to many posts with this problem so i do believe it. love grace xoxoxo
This stuff is amazing.
I use this also. It has a pleasant peppermint smell and makes your scalp tingle. I don't know if it actually does anything but it's still a nice product.
Oh gosh!...that would be a miracle if we could just find that shampoo!
Thinning hair is a side effect of taking Urso for our PBC unfortunately. It can also be related to thyroid problems which is another autoimmune disease that a lot of people with PBC also suffer from (me included!). My hairdresser raves about a product by L'oreal called serioxyl he swears thickens hair but as its a bit expensive and you have to use it all the time I haven't tried it. I'd be interested to hear if anyone has tried it and if it's any good.
Hi Dese, get your thyroid levels checked, then ask a good hairdresser for recommendations. Good luck!
Hi I use Philip Kingsley shampoo, it's good quality and a little more pricey but worth it, I use elasticises it helps keep hair more springy and less brittle, it's a hair masque.
Years ago I started losing my hair after finding out that I was diabetic and starting on new medications. I don't know whether it was the new drugs or the shock of the diagnosis or what. Went to the doctor and had blood work to rule out any various medical conditions that might have caused it. When things were ruled out, the doctor suggested taking Biotin which is a B vitamin. It's good for both nails and hair. You might ask about taking that. I can't imagine that a shampoo would actually help with the growth of the hair. It might coat what hair you have to make it look thicker or be more manageable but I doubt that it would actually affect the growth of the hair. The Biotin might. I don't remember the dosage that the doctor recommended so you should ask for yourself. My hair stopped falling out after about 3 months. It never came out in clumps, it was just like I was shedding like a dog. I took to keeping a hand-held vacuum in the bathroom because seeing all that hair on the floor really bothered me.
There is a biotin and collegen shampoo and conditioner you can get in boots, I found this the best one for keeping the hair in good condition and making it feel more manageable. I started loosing mine before medication so I know it's not in my case.
What a big post lots of us have this going on, here's mine. lovely thick hair & eyebrows all my life till PBC. Was told it was the condition ( i.e PBC) not urso. I now have what's left of my eyebrows coloured to make it look like I've more. My lovely long eyelashes have gone this year too. very scarce. Don't mind the leg & other bodily hair going though makes life a bit easier. my head hair has gone thin still there but no bulk, can't do a thing with it. The in September I noticed a bite type dry patch at the side of my hair / face didn't think much about it till it had spread all across my forehead by November. I now have shampoo on prescription, can't use any products even conditioner for 6 weeks a hair brush is murder, they tell me it's seborrheic dermatitis. Yet another auto immune condition. Will clear up but keep coming back. It's not nice but my hair is behaving better. I'm just wondering how many more auto immune things we can get before we pack up all together. Xx I'm beginning to loose count.
Urso causes thinning hair especially in first 12 mth i use aussie volume shampoo