Anyone recommend a safe hair colour to use,(uk) just read that it can be a bit of a no no to use a colour but my grey hair is driving me mad, looks distinguished on men not so for females
Hair colour?: Anyone recommend a safe hair... - PBC Foundation
Hair colour?

Hair colorant is not recommended for people with pbc. Remember it's your immune system that's out of control, reacting against what isn't even harming you. Some people will tell you there are "safe colorants". I've heard that there's Fifty Shades of Grey.... Surely one of them will suit you perfectly, especially if you get a radical new beautiful cut to lift your spirits? Why not try that first before you try colouring, which to me sounds like hardwork and needs constant re-doing. Worse than housework. Anyway, you asked if anyone can recommend a safe color. I'm afraid I can't! Choose what makes you happy!

Thanks for your reply, grey here I come, I’ve coloured my hair for 50 + years could well explain my LFT fluctuations
I'm pleased for you if you find it a relief on top of other benefits. It may be that colorants or chemicals applied to hair won't have a bad effect on you as the hair follicle is actually dead anyway, but if you can smell them as they are applied, your nasal passages and lungs are alive and they are vulnerable. Not everyone is so sensitive, but I can't tolerate these smells, they make me cough. I stopped using nail varnish ages ago because I could feel an unpleasant reaction under my nails within seconds of putting it on. I'm not on a soapbox about these matters, I'm tolerant of any choice made by anyone that causes no harm to others. I cut my own hair for the past 3 cuts! It was very liberating. Yesterday I chose to have it cut by a professional. That was fine too.
I get full highlights once a year. The highlights are brushed on the hair itself & it does not ever touch the scalp. I think highlights are fine.
Biddyb...I understand the gray thing. I had med blonde hair most of my life and kept it highlighted. I guess I was a little vain when it came to my hair. But now I’ve let it go natural. I try to keep a nice cut and also the colors you wear can accentuate the gray. I wear darker colors because I’m also fair skinned. Black is probably my favorite along with purple, deep reds, grays, etc. you will adjust and find what works. Once you figure it out you will feel beautiful again. 😊
gwillistexas, great point - feel beautiful again! Not like L'Oreal says "because you're worth it", but because it's how it is, feel beautiful again because you are beautiful.

You are so right😊

My hairdresser told me once, women are paying to have gray, so enjoy it😀
Mine told me same yesterday! I'll be impressed when the same women ask for wrinkles to go with the gray...

I just dyed my hair grey for fun lol I'm 53 years old and my friend said go back to your black hair dont age early but I've gotten many compliments 😊 DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT PCB PATIENTS AND HAIR COLORING AM I IN TROUBLE ??
I doubt it. Don't worry for a moment. It's probably with persistent use that some products harm some people. It won't be big trouble anyway. And the Hair Dye Police won't come after you I have known people who've dyed hair black over many years and they have gone thin or bald on top as a result. My hepatologist told me at diagnosis to avoid dying my plainly naturally white hair. He said that doing so is associated with having PBC. He may have hesitated to say so if I had a pink stripe or brown tint. It may be a case of 'don't sweat the small stuff'. But WHY do people with nothing to sell persist with this ageist, sexist nonsense? Are they getting bungs from Clairol?

Thanks for the advice made me giggle😊

My hair dresser uses foils to give me highlights, this does not touch the scalp. At 67 I have not gone grey yet but my hair has become very thin so the highlight covers each strand of hair which is supposed to make it seem thicker.
Another thing, Biddyb, it's just a line we've been fed, grey haired men look distinguished, women look past it. It is such a lie. And we are all capable of accepting it as truth if we don't stay wide awake when it matters?
Sounds like it's the right thing for you x