Found these interesting - from the Canadian pbc society
Question archive : Found these interesting... - PBC Foundation
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Thank you.
Thanks Becca.
I found the way specific questions are answered directly by medical consultants really easy to read, easy to understand and very interesting.
The only issue is that it is now a few years old. Wouldn't it be great if we could get a group of doctors to do the same thing again this year?! So we could get concise answers if there has been any change in advice or new advances.
It is the format that works so well. Long articles I sometimes struggle with and only take in odd sentences.
Hi Bp,
Hope you are well ... keep meaning to email, but keep meaning to do so much ... (eg not checking in on here). Yes! Really interesting, and easy to take in, have a break, come back to, etc ... but rather old.
I'm seeing consultant, next week (routine ultrasound, ages since I've had one, and last year he thought good idea), so ... I will ask him about this.
Take care,
Gritty xx
Hi Gritty,
Yes, life....keep meaning to do so much.... know exactly what you mean!
This list of yours that you're going to ask your consultant - it's getting longer and longer! Good luck & try to have a non-stressful day up there.
Just imagine if, in answer to questions, we could get short, concise, truthful, non-evasive answers for the MP's regarding the flipping referendum. Now wouldn't that be something!
Hi Becca,
Thanks for the link, really interesting. I'll ask my consultant about maybe an up-to-date UK version.
Take care.