I am, very curious about this...my first symptoms of PBC were severe itching especially feet, and diarehhea for many many days that led me to the Dr. who then did blood work and diagnosed PBC. also recently diagnosed with Sjrogren's ( I can't spell it) Syndrome but I realized I had that a long time before PBC when I looked back...... Did anyone else have the extreme diarehhea as a first symptom?????
First PBC Synmptoms: I am, very curious... - PBC Foundation
First PBC Synmptoms

mollymom. Hi! Yes I had the loose stools for
a long time. Only after I stopped the intake of gluten it started to become normal
Hi Mollymom - I have had diarrhoea with griping pain but I don`t think it`s to do with the PBC because when I cut gluten from my diet it all stopped. I am currently being tested for Coeliac Disease which is another autoimmune condition. Apparently autoimmune conditions tend to come in clusters! Try cutting gluten and see what happens. All the best. Diane
I'm in the USA Diane, but my wonderful Mom was from Newcastle upon Tyne, she survived WWII. Strong people those Brits are!!! , as I know you are too....
for me it the high liver numbers that was my first indication something was off - than it was the fatigue - I couldn't' understand (when my routines hadn't changed in a long time) why all of a sudden I was so damned tired all of the time (no matter how well I slept at night).
Now I have the itchiness, and light coloured stools and fatigue
Becca I have not been diagnosed yet, but I have a liver biopsy schedule. I was wondering my symptoms were itching, nauseous and vomiting, fatigue, gray colored stool, and yellow eyes and skin. My liver enzymes were very high. But now I feel better except for the fatigue, my blood work is better but still a little high except for my M2 antibodies which are 50.2. This is why I am getting the biopsy. Dr thinks I may have PBC.
Does any of this sound like what you experienced?