Pbc: Has anyone with pbc been diagnosed with... - PBC Foundation

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Jlruggie profile image
10 Replies

Has anyone with pbc been diagnosed with covid19? Has anyone had shortness of breath, fever and upper respiratory infection? Does anyone you know have it? Did you recover? Did they recover?


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Jlruggie profile image
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10 Replies

Thankfully I haven’t had it and neither has anyone else I know amongst family and friends.

kimphoebe profile image

Hi there

Iv not had it, but iv not been out since the lockdown. There are a few cases very near to where I live.

Georgyporgy profile image

Hi Jlruggie unfortunately I have had covid 19. 2 weeks I spent in bed with fever, pain in muscles, headaches then a week of diarrhea . It wasn't until after that I suffered with breathing problems, I couldn't even walk from one room to another without getting out of breath. I was then diagnosed with a chest infection and given antibiotics. Finished antibiotics on Friday, I'm feeling loads better just a little out of breath so on the road to recovery. If you're feeling breathless then my advice would be to get checked out. Please stay safe & healthy.

claygi profile image
claygi in reply to Georgyporgy

Oh dear, that sounds awful. Glad you made it out alive, literally.

Moycat profile image

Hi, no I havent had it.

I've been going to work everyday as the manager of a retirement development so I'm needed. I worry everytime I leave the house...which has been very stressful. 😔. I'm pleased to hear of PBC people recovering cause I just assumed our bodies just wouldnt cope. Xxx

littysgirl profile image

Yes. I was diagnosed as being covid19 positive on March 25. I have seasonal allergy-induced asthma and this time of year, I always have a dry cough, so that did not signal to me that I had a problem. Plus I had been so careful for weeks before because I knew I was immuno-compromised and at risk for being really sick. I had been using hand sanitizer whenever I was out of the house and I had ordered a case of alcohol wipes from Amazon before everyone else went crazy. I would wipe down my car door handle, steering wheel, radio knobs, shift, house door knobs.... wipe my way into the house. I was NOT wearing a mask. At that time, it was not part of the warnings. That was probably more important than any of the other things I did to protect myself.

I do not know where I caught it and I probably never will. No one else that I know that I came in contact with was or has gotten sick.

Besides the coughing which got progressively worse, I also started with a sharp headache one morning, right behind my eyes, then a burning feeling in my sinuses which I still was attributing to allergies and then a low fever. I was concerned and never really ignored my symptoms. I called my pulmonologist the second day of fever - a telehealth appointment where we could see each other on the computer screen. He said I looked ok and that I wanted to stay away from the hospitals. Three days later I called his office again and again did a telehealth with one of his partners. Because I'd had a fever for four or five days, she called in a prescription for azithromycin which I started taking. The next day I had a scheduled appointment with my primary doctor which also turned into a telehealth meeting. He told me to start using my rescue inhalers on a regular basis and to make sure I was drinking enough because being dehydrated by itself can cause a low fever. By Friday, now it was 9 days of a fever that never got higher than 101.5 but mostly was around 100, I called the pumlonologist office again and conferred with a third doctor who I had never met before. By then my coughing was pretty bad and I was out of breath when doing anything but could recover if I sat down and took slow breaths. That doctor said that he felt I should get tested for the virus - that they should know what they were dealing with. HE knew where I should go for a test because, frankly, where to go for testing was still a major mystery. I went for a drive-through test - never got out of my car. Various nurses came up and took my temperature, checked my blood oxygen level and swabbed my nose. At the end of the little assembly line, they said it would take a few days to get the results but there was a doctor at the end of the line who went over all the gathered information and he said that he was not comfortable sending me home to wait for the results because my oxygen levels were too low. Did I feel capable of driving myself to the hospital? uh, yes. But I was really surprised.

This is way too long. In my particular case ( everyone I talk to has different symptoms - that's what's so hard to process) my symptoms were dry hacking cough and being out of breath and a pretty low fever. I did not have the muscle aches and high fever that people talk about. I had a lot of anxiety, really bad nightmares that are still with me a month later, I felt afraid to go to sleep at night - maybe because I was afraid I'd stop breathing, maybe because of the nightmares but night time was bad for me. I felt hungry but nothing tasted good. For a week everything tasted too salty. Now I can't taste mild things and salty things taste good. I lost about 15 pounds in about a week. That was nice and I'd love to keep it off but it was startling.

I stayed in the hospital for 9 days, 7 of them on oxygen. I had to be able to maintain a blood oxygen level of at least 93% on room air before I could be released. They drew blood every day, watching things. Shockingly, my liver tests all came back in the normal range! I just assumed that this was going to destroy my liver. It did not. I did have signs that it was affecting my kidneys (never had a problem with them before) and the kidney doctor was the last doctor to agree to release me. My brother-in-law who lives in FL while I am in NJ went into the hospital with covid19 and almost immediately onto a ventilator - his kidneys failed within three days - so apparently your kidneys are very much connected to this thing.

I have now been out of the hospital three weeks. I was told to consider myself still contagious for two weeks and to have no contact with others. That works because I live alone. The first week home I hardly remember - lots of coughing and sleeping and taking various medicines - trying to remember what to take when. I had to make a chart.

My breathing is almost normal now with one or two coughing spasms each day. I still do not have a lot of energy but I'm definitely better. I have still not left my house. I don't think anyone knows anything about this virus for sure so for now, I'm staying put. If nothing else, I believe I'm susceptible for picking up other germs.

Thank goodness for the telephone and the internet. I'm busy all day long telling friends and family that I'm still here and kicking. Sorry this was so long. It's hard to know what to share and what to cut out.

VeeWat profile image
VeeWat in reply to littysgirl

What a tale. Glad you are better.

recipes profile image
recipes in reply to littysgirl

glad you shared this information and you are better so happy it didn't effect your liver thats what I have been worried about

camboy profile image
camboy in reply to littysgirl

No need to apologise! You tell it like it was for you, and that is what others find helpful when they are considering their own experience. Thank you!

Odieweb profile image

So glad you are better, that sounds like a nightmare journey for you. I wonder how your liver and bile ducts are now. Your next tests will be interesting.

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