Do any of the women feel worse - more tired and more sore in your joints and muscles during the end of their period and a few days after that?
Worse during and after period? : Do any of... - PBC Foundation
Worse during and after period?

Hello kingerm.
I was 45 when I started to itch in early 2010. I was still having a menstrual cycle at the time. The itching was very intense, almost all the time and I was fatigued (but thought this down to working over the allotted full-time hours in work).
I was 46 when I was diagnosed with PBC Dec 2010.
I had always felt a bit lethargic around the time of a period (I went to every 26 days following my daughter's birth in 1986 but after my son's in 1988 I went to 28 days and was like clockwork so had 13 cycles a year). I think probably most women do feel more tired at this time but having PBC more than likely feels to add to it all the more.
For the last 3 years I have been going through the menopause and though my cycle has been lighter, it has been erratic. I have been hoping each one is the last but for me I still had one start of 2016 and hope again that that was the last one. I will be 52 in a couple months time.
I have been quite fine regarding my cycles. Yes I have felt tired still at that time but I haven't had fatigue since sometime during 2011 when it vanished. The itch of course remains but it is mainly confined to night time these days.
I count myself lucky that I have been really without any problems regarding going through 'the change' and even a few things I used to encounter like a bit of lower back ache and very sore breasts seems to have vanished over time.
I do however get tired most afternoons due to the fact I have broken sleep due to itching.
Can't really say much about aching joints and muscles as so far I've not been really afflicted though I put it down to age now that some nights I feel a bit stiff. I do try to keep on the go most of the waking hours as I find being actove for me seems to eradicate those prickles that start pre-itch.

Thanks a mill. I am learning that we are all so individual when it comes to this thing!
Hi kingerm, so glad you brought this up. I always feel much worse before, during and after my period. My legs ache, my hip feels even worse and my morning stiffness takes longer to loosen up. I don't understand why but I guess hormons are affected by or affects the liver, too.
I'm so relieved to hear others talk about the leg pain, and especially the hip pain. (Not that I'm glad you're having it) I just thought that it was just me, and that I was either crazy, or had sone thing else wrong with me. The hip, and leg pain is ridiculous! The worst for a few days before my period then throughout it. That week is dreaded more now than ever.
I feel the worst a few days before my period, and for the next week. My period only last about 3 days, but the fatigue, and pain is EXTRAORDINARY! My hips and lower back are the worst but my knees, legs, lower back, shoulders, elbows, and feet KILL ME too. Not to mention I can barely keep my eyes open from fatigue, and the are not alone. I absolutely hate feeling this way all the time!
Sometimes I feel like it's all in my imagination. I mean, how can I always feel so tired ... maybe if I make myself stay awake for longer it'll be ok. Maybe if I exercise more my muscles will get strong again. If I lose weight I'll feel better .... I've only been dealing with this since November and no-one wants to know the answer to "How are you" really. In Ireland I have never heard of PBC and I doubt very many other people have either. Sorry. I'm moaning!
Best wishes.
I definitely have issues around my period. The week or few days before I have pain in my side, around the liver. Its almost as if its getting ready to deal with the loss of blood. I get pain in my knees, my back and all over. It does last sometimes into the next week. I just had surgery to remove a fibroid and one of my ovaries that was causing me lots of back and hip pain. Once the period is over and my body recovers, it goes back to normal. Sometimes taking iron helps me. I know that the anemia is probably causing problems.
I get more pain the week before my period 😔 I thought it would ease off when I went onto the implant, but no! It's awful!!
I get acupuncture to help with my pain and use MSM gel and heat lotion to ease it! I'm on so many painkillers it just doesn't touch it when my pain gets worse! So frustrating!!
Can't wait till I'm out of my day job and being fully self employed so I can just take to my bed for that week!
Vic xx
I will keep an eye on if joint and muscle pain ar worse around my period, something to think about.. I definitely feel a lot more itchy just before I come on
I went on a nutiriton course and they said that a period links with the liver and particularly heavy or painful ones can link with the liver struggling to cope and so expelling. it really made me think, especially with this condition!