Hi have just picked up somewhere that prednisolone which I am prescribed for POlymyalgia is v toxic for the liver. I realise that the liver has to work overtime with any drug but would appreciate any links you might know of to help with ,y understanding of this. Many thanks
Prednisolone and pbc: Hi have just picked up... - PBC Foundation
Prednisolone and pbc

I find the about.com search engine very good. Try this link
although quite a busy page the central column covers prednisolone and its side effects with links to many other sites.
The problem being for any medication do the benefits outweigh the risks.
best wishes
Thank you butterfly . I found several after lots of search, I appreciate this community and regularly check in ,

Hello wispa123,
I have read your post about Prednisolone and just about to send you a message.
Best wishes
PBC Foundation

Hi, Wispa.
Prednisolone is a drug that is used very successfully with various autoimmune conditions. It isn't prescribed for PBC, though people with PBC are sometimes prescribed the drug.
There are a couple of key factors. The first is monitoring. Hopefully, your liver will be monitored regularly to check for any changes.
Secondly, it is important to look at your health and your body as holistically as possible. Which condition is most urgently needing addressed, how and what are the implications? PBC is a long term condition and sometimes we need to take a longer view of our health.
For example, the painkiller of choice with PBC is paracetamol. However, if someone with PBC was having back surgery it would be safe to assume they would be taking a painkiller somewhat stronger than paracetamol. So the key is to look at where you are and how you are to make the best decision you can.
I hope that helps,
Thank you Robert . You have confirmed my suspicion. My PMR specialist is keeping tabs on liver results so I now feel I can relax and follow your advice .