Hi I have not posted for a while but I do read others posts on a daily basis. On Friday I went to a wedding, I had one glass of wine to toast the bride and groom which even with AIH/PBC should not cause a problem however, all weekend I have felt horrible and for the last 2 days am experiencing pain in the upper right and behind my rib cage. I also am lowering the steroids and am on 2 mg per day now. I wonder if I should go to see the doctor about this, I can't even eat, I have had a bad stomach as well and runs. I don't know if it was the glass of wine or it's because I have a flare, I also feel very tired and yes the things I describe are the usual AIh/PBC culprits lol. I just don't understand why now when my bloods have been normal for months...I say normal; when I was down to 4 mg of steroid they were normal, no idea about the last one when I was on 3 mg.
I also had a DEXA scan ( bone scan) and the results have come back with evidence of osteoperesis which is the beginning of osteoporosis due to three years of steroid use....I hope for the sake of my bones I can come off the steroids and hope that this is not a flare because if it is I will have to stay on the steroids.
xx connie