Loose weight! I am 100 pounds and I would like to gain 5 pounds. It is better to have some weight on your body in case you get sick. Is there anything healthy that would taste good?
What foods are good for your Liver? I real... - PBC Foundation
What foods are good for your Liver? I really want to eat healthy and I tried the Gluten free diet and I lost two pounds. I don't want to

Hello 2006.
You sound a bit like me, I have lost some weight since 2010 the year of diagnose. I weigh around 123 pounds and never seem to gain any weight these days. I've noticed I do not even seem to gain the usual half stone just prior to the menstrual cycle anymore but I am in perimenopause (I am 50 next wk) and in the last year my cycle has been further apart.
I am 5 feet 2 inches tall and not really a petite person even though I'm not very tall. Several of my family members and odd friends have said that I could do to put a bit of weight on but to be honest I am not that bothered. As long as I remain steadfast and don't drop anymore over time that will do for me. I also think that as we get older we tend to lose skin elasticity and that maybe gives that illusion we are slimmer than what the scales perhaps states. I've never been really overweight my whole life and even though I was a bit chubby at aged 16 (I was over 11 stone) over time it just simply melted away. I am very active though and that has some bearing on it.
As for dietary well the best plan is to eat as healthily as possible with not too much fat. We do need some fat for the absorption of certain fat-soluble vitamins like A & D for eg., vitamins that can become problematic to absorp with PBC.
I started using more gluten-free ingredients (like a white self-raising flour I started buying a couple years ago) and I don't think that has any bearing on losing weight as it does still contain calories and can be as much as standard wheat flour.
I was never advised to alter my diet. It was asked about on my first hospital consultation and the consultant said that everything sounded good. I had had a blood check for vitamins and minerals a short time before seeing the hospital doctor and they were all in order as I was informed. (The following year I had an on the line Vitamin D reading but we had just gone through winter and by later 2011 my Vitamin D level was reading as normal.)
I find bananas are a pretty good staple for snacking on. I usually eat one a day but sometimes have two. A good snack mid-aft can be sliced banana on bread.
I know in my case regarding weight, I do not eat after the evening meal which we partake around 6p.m. I find by the evening meal my appetite has waned greatly and I have found for several years now that I can eat pretty good at breakfast time and later morning and noon but then slowly it tapers off.
When I do a couple hours of walking of a Sunday usually I make sure I have snacks with me for enroute. It seems the only time that I can eat a sinful chocolate biscuit I find.
Plain nuts like brazils, hazelnuts and particularly pistachios (unsalted) can be good for keeping up energy and supplying certain minerals. They are a great snack to take out I find.
I think at the end of the day myself with PBC now I find that quality counts far more than quantity.
I have lowered all my numbers by following a Vegan diet. We do not digest proteins well withPBC. I feel better also. I watch my Glutens too. You can follow What Fat Vegans Eat on the website. They have all kinds of recipes and support.
I struggle to maintain weight too. I don't eat foods with saturated fat as I find it gives me liver pain. I also have diverticular disease so need fibre in my diet, since I had my gall bladder removed in last year I find I am much better at tolerating wheat and high fibre foods, prior to gall bladder removal these gave me chronic diarrhoea.
I've heard artichoke is really good for the liver. Someone told my wife and I've never eaten so much since. its good though.