Does anyone take omprezole and citrlapram ... - PBC Foundation
Does anyone take omprezole and citrlapram for reflux and anxiety
Yes I take it for reflux. Why may I ask?
Hi I take omprazole for hernia and reflux but also citralopram for panick attacks but went to new doc and he said thst you can't take the two together a warning came up on his screen which really freaked me but I have been back to see another doc today for advice and he said the two together are fine ...So gonna start them tomorrow : )
Hi, yes I take both.. no side effects, lanzsoprazole(same as omperazole) works very well. Catilapram seems ok, just takes a small edge of depression, originally took for panic attacks .
Hi Nickyibn. You should read up on the side effects of omeprazole. I used to take Lansoprozole which is the same thing by a different name. This medication gave me terrible anxiety and insomnia. The benefits (although great) didn't outweigh the side effects for me so I stopped taking them.
Hi, I've taken both for a month now, as just been diagnosed with gastritus and a Hiatus hernia. I've been on citalipram since jan, and no side affects. Hope your doing ok on them x
I have read that long term use is not advisable - more than 2 weeks - as they can contribute to liver damage.