I am not using the medical industries term. I am using the term inflammation to describe my symptoms of stuffy head and theeth ache. It feels like my body is attacking itself. I can cause my inflammation with physical stress which is not acceptable to me. I chose not to accept I have to live life in a less desirable way.
My goal is to experience being tired or even exhausted and not anything else.
So I came up with inflammation as the last 'symptom' that I need to address.
Medical industry was easy. Sucks to be you and all you can do is mitigate. We can medicate but the results are not known.
The concept of must be toxins, life style bla bla bla is treating the world and not me. The concept that what I experience can be treated with life style is invalid to me and that is from mitigating what I experience my whole life until it got so severe even the medicial industry could recognize it. And yes I thought I was doing a wonderful job of it. No way I could have known there were other possibilities.
So I have been looking at what the supplement industry is doing and comparing it to the medicial industry. I was surprised at the cross over in what I am currently supplementing, what is recommended for other autoimmune disease and the work of the supplement industry.
The supplement industry is using applied science much in the same way that the medicial industry does.
There are claims of great results by the supplement industry not dissimilar to the medicial industry other than the medicial industry claims mediocre results are all anyone can experience.
I do believe that some supplement protocols achieve great results where the medicial field fails. The flaw I see is the claim that everyone will experience great results. This is not dissimilar to those on the forum whose body needed less supplementation and achieved great results and preach to others that do not.
The supplement industry uses the concept of treating the root cause when the root cause is not known and is inducted from the results.
I look for and create patterns. I noticed my eventual good results with NAD and that the NAD initially caused symptoms associated with B12 to reoccur.
I abhor taking pain medication and see it as a mask unless it is for something specific and short term I tend to only take pain meds when the pain is severe. I tried Ibuprofen when not in any pain and felt better. Not a solution simply information.
So what if autoimmune conditions are actually inflammation? What if B12D and PA is the result of untreated inflammation? It certainly would not be known.
In this moment it feels like my self treatment of B12D is more about treating the results of inflammation.
With my understanding of biochemistry which is in part from my work and study as a environmental scientist I do not use the term co-factors and am wary of precursors.
I can see both the medical industry and the supplement industry as vendors. This helps with my evaluation of their rhetoric. It also helps to understand that vendors that are successful believe in their way.
I still have more work to do with my understanding of how to treat what is labeled as B12D so there is no action to be taken at this time. I am doing the review/study to determine if I feel inflammation is worth exploration and discovery. I have concluded that the medicial industry will likely be little help with any exploration or discovery.
If I decide to preform exploration and discovery of supplements sold/recommended by the suplimentation industry I can apply some of my philosophy gained from my discovery and exploration of B12. Specifically I find it more effective to start with a higher amount than a lower amount. I understand the correct dosage is unknown. I find it more effective if I block out a week where I can deal with any disruption. I can expect my symptoms of B12 deficiency to return if the supplement is effective for me. I will review the information given by those in the supplement industry from he view of they are a vendor.
From my work it makes sense to me that medicial personal can not diagnosis fatigue. Fatigue is listed so often as a symptom for so many conditions it makes sense it is not seen as a definitive diagnosis and any other possible diagnosis indicated by testing will be considered the best answer.
It is miserable weather so I am going to keep writing so as not wanting to when the weather is nice. π
I find it helpful to see the medicial personal as likely narcissistic and have found surgeons to be psychopaths. Not a big fan of name calling. I use the term to likely predict behavior, watching for the exception.
One on the things I found invaluable from those that shared is the understanding I am not being singled out. It is reasonable to expect that a relationship with anyone in the medicial industry to be abusive and controlling. Never wrong and defensive or aggressive when shown to be wrong or even questioned.
I am a white male and well educated. I can not only expect to be treated with more respect I am used to it. When I meet with a medicial professional it is cordial and sometimes I am excited that they may actually practice medicine. I get their notes online and their notes bears no resemblance to what happened. It was once said I am going to put you on blood pressure medication. To which I replied I follow the protocol of the American Heart Association and measure through out the day and blood pressure medication is not recommended. In the notes it is paticient refuses to be treated for high blood pressure. I write my own notes on my chart and make the correction. The result is that hematologist does not want to see me anymore. That is just one example.
I as best I can get angry and express then go back to what I can expect.
Going slow is not THE way to go it is A way to go. I see going to fast or to slow as both errors that can not be prevented. I do not prefer one error over the other.
I am comfortable with the ambiguity of self treatment and find no comfort in following others just because they do not have any ambiguity. I hate it but am comfortable with it.