Shout out to Sleepybunny for doing the work which led me to consider if B2 would improve my life.
I now have a methodology to start my work to determine if I want to try a trial to determine if B2 improves my life.
I will start with doing some study on toxicity. I will not find anything that will convince me it is safe only if it is known it is toxic. That is all that is ever available. I will not find long term study that is definitive and that is as good as it is going to get.
I will then do some study on upper tolerable limits. Knowing that this is not toxicity rather what is generally thought not to cause negative side effects for most people. It is not definitive for me.
I will then do some study on testing. Understanding just because there is a test it may not be a test measuring improvement to my life.
After doing this work I will do some study with the concept of trying to as best I can to determine the probability of a trial being worthwhile.
I will be using the methodology I have developed over the last 4 years and will keep developing.
As a general rule the recommended amounts tend to be very conservative/not as effective as is possible.
If I should determine to do a therapeutic trial I will create a space in my to evaluate with the understanding that if B2 is effective I may experience a downturn and will not assume that is a side effect.
I can always find pseudo experts who will be more confident they know what I should or should not do than I ever will be. Thing is they are not the person that is taking the risk of not improving my life.
I am headed to being resigned to the fact that as my body changes I will have to do trials of elimination to determine if a supplement is still appropriate.
As I have successfully self-treated where symptoms would not indicate B12D I now think in terms of supplementing to improve my life rather than limit my thinking to B12D.
Although I have been successful it does not follow that I will continue to be successful with every supplement I trial. Some trials fail although I allow I may want to do another trial at a later date. That happened with methyl folate.
Here is the thing. It is not all I can do it is what I am capable of doing to improve my life. That is hard for me as I am a minimalist by experience and perhaps by nature. When I look at my pile of supplements I sometimes shake my head in disbelief. Nothing for it but to not experience life in a way I value more.