I have read a little on the apple cider vinegar that it may help with the low stomach acid with PA. has anyone tried this?
does anyone know if apple cider vineg... - Pernicious Anaemi...
does anyone know if apple cider vinegar works on gastritis
I have it regularly on food at the end of a meal. Apple cider with 'mother'
It’s certainly helpful if your stomach acid is not too deplete . If you were seriously deplete , Betaine HCl would be better .
You can get the Betaine HCl on its own , or with pepsin . Here in U.K. , but also in USA. ( Amazon .com )
Great question!
I tried Apple Cider Vinegar - unpasteurised so with the active mother but it was not enough to help my low stomach acid sufficiently to help me eat better.
So I now take Betaine and Pepsin from Cytoplan - I take two tablets before every meal and this gives me enough stomach acid to allow me to enjoy my meal and digest it without IBS symptoms.
If I don’t take the Betaine and Pepsin then I sometimes can eat the meal without getting stomach cramps, but nearly always then suffer constipation or diarrhoea the next day. It is an essential supplement for me now.
Do you still have your gallbladder?
hello ,
thank you, I'm trying the ACV and is it at every meal I should drink maybe 1/2 tsp? I'll see how this does today.
I ordered some off of amazon in the usa so it arrives on Tuesday. the ACV seems to be working today, so I'm sure the betaine with pepsin will work too. I sure pray it does.
I have used Apple Cider Vinegar gummies that I found helpful when my gastritis flared at the start of regular injections. I can't drink the actual vinegar as it takes my breath away!
I use to drink it with the mother years ago, but I think it was beginning to strip the enamel off my teeth, even though I used a straw.
For the past year or 18 months, I have been having the gummies instead. I haven't noticed any detrimental effects since switching.
You can now get Apple cider vinegar in tablet form which is really convenient .
I find a Betain HcL capsule before each meal completely sorts it. Readily available on eBay.
Yes! I used to suffer with terrible heartburn. My doctor prescribed medication but I decided to go the natural route. I stopped eating bread and dairy, which was really hard to do at first, but I slowly got used to it. I also keep a large bowl of chopped vegetables mixed with lemon juice, natural vinegar, pepper and a little brown sugar in the fridge and then mix in a little bit of olive oil just before eating with lunch and dinner every day. After time I’ve found I can cheat now and then with the bread and dairy but just in case, I do include a shot glass of half water and half natural vinegar.
Do you cook the veggies or eat them raw. What veggies do you usually use?
I use mostly carrots, shredded, and chopped up cabbage, radishes, celery, onion and whatever else I happen to have. When serving I add lettuce and usually add in some type of bean. It’s really a base for whatever you feel like creating I suppose. One of my faves is wrapping it up in a tortilla with some chicken or enjoying along side a nice spicy homemade curry.
I have used it in the past, diluted, half an hour before dinner. It helped with my heartburn and nausea.
Is this taken straight or diluted? And before food or during food? How much - 1 teaspoon? What does it mean ‘with mother’? Excuse my ignorance! Thank you
ACV can be really helpful. However, if you have H Pylori, increasing the acidity will make it double down and result in diarrhoea. If this happens, get checked for HP infection. Once this is cleared you can gradually build the stomach acid.
I am mid way through treatmeny for HPylori, had no idea I was infected until a nutritionist suggested a test. You can buy them from Boots for about £14. It appears HPylori and pernicious anaemia may be linked. Getting rid of it seems a good idea as HPylori does cause ulcers and will increase probability of stomoch cancer. boots.com/myhealthchecked-s...
Treatment is not nice, but not terrible, one week of high dose antibuiotics and acid blocker (proton pump inhibitor) GP should provide