Breath Test for SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) result produced this from Haematology :
"....results......suggestive of a quick transit to the colon or small bowel bacterial overgrowth which would explain her elevated MMA."
.....Finally, something ! Almost sounds like a diagnosis to me.
Not sure what the next step is as I've been signed off by haematologist, so going back to GP.
Haven't stopped B12 injections or multivitamin and minerals, as SIBO rob you of vitamins B12, A, D, E & (rarely) K.
Also unsure if SIBO came after B12 deficiency, due to lack of acidity allowing bacteria to flourish where not welcome, and whether it was the cause of my osteoporosis of the spine (eating my Vitamin D) ?
Seems that there are 3 aspects to treatment:
1: Find and eradicate the cause
2: Replace vitamin deficiencies
3: Treat SIBO - usually with antibiotics (with varying degrees of success) it's not over yet, but at last, I seem to be getting somewhere. Which is just as well, as I'm no longer getting any money !
Can anyone tell me more about this ? What to ask GP for in terms of tests etc. to determine cause * ? What antibiotics will hamper my recent B12 progress - and so need to avoid ?
* One of the causes listed is "immune deficiency: abnormal antibodies or T-cell response": can anyone explain that to me ?