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iron blood test

ninja1 profile image
19 Replies

can someone help me understand these results please

my mch is low 24.9 my Mcv 80 and my Mchc is 299

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ninja1 profile image
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19 Replies
EllaNore profile image

Hi Ninja1, I don't know a whole lot about MCV MCH but mine are always flagged as well. and they ignore it every time. Yet I feel every symptom very much. In fact I feel that is what is still wrong with me. The treatment for these is B12. I inject everyday and mine are still always flagged. Can you post the ranges for your MCV, MCHC, MPV?

MCV is Mean Corpuscle Volume. It measures the size of your RBCs, and the MCHC is Mean Corpuscle Hemoglobin Concentration. it measures the concentration of hemoglobin in a given volume of packed red blood cell. These things can point to macrocytic or microcytic anemia. If your RBC are too small or too large.

MPV stands for mean platelet volume. Platelets are small blood cells that stick together to make blood clots that stop or slow bleeding when you have a cut or injury. Platelets are made in your bone marrow. If it is low, then your marrow isn't replenishing its RBC's.

All of these have to do with the size, and viscosity of your RBC's and that all has to do with anemia, but other things too.

If you do a google search for MCHC, MPV, MCV it will explain what they mean.

If your MCV is low then click on the low information etc. But without knowing the range of what your test should be in, it is hard to know how low or high they are.

At first my docs saw y results and thought I had Multiple Myeloma. They were going to send me for Bone marrow biopsy and all kinds of other tests. Then they cancelled them all with no explanation. Left me scared for months. Now I know it is anemia and not MM. So don't let what you read scare you or make you jump to conclusions. These are telltale signs of B12D/PA anemia but are often ignored. But if you know the range, please post that so we know HOW low or high they are.

ninja1 profile image
ninja1 in reply to EllaNore

Mcv. 82.5. 80-102

Mch. 24.9. 27-32

Mchc. 301. 320-370

Rbc5.31. 3.80-5.80

Platelet 332. 150-450

ninja1 profile image
ninja1 in reply to ninja1

Haemocrit 0.438. 0.37-0.48

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply to ninja1

Thank you for posting that. They don't look too bad. They look similar to mine and all of my docs don't seem concerned, even when I press them about it. Which I do all the time. But I feel breathless, apathetic, very weak, my legs get to wear I can't take another step. Anxiety, blurred vision. They keep saying the only treatment is b12, so either I need more than once a day or this is as good as I'm going to get. I feel there must be more I can do. What have your doctors said? Have they mentioned the mchc etc?

ninja1 profile image
ninja1 in reply to EllaNore

No but my symptoms are like yours exactly. They say all is well and Mcv would be below range if it were b12 also said the others don’t matter but my Mcv is continually falling it was 85 in January My Mchc is continually falling znd I feel shocking my mch has been dropping each month there is obviously something not right what explanation did they give you. I don’t drink caffeine or alcohol I have chronic heart rhythmn problems diagnosed with inappropriate sinus tachycardia my quality of life is zero I’m waiting to hear back from my endocrinologist as I’ve put all of these levels to him and asked if they are ok. I’m frightened to supplement in case I make it worse. My feet feel numb

ninja1 profile image
ninja1 in reply to ninja1

If all is well why are they out of range the range is there for a reason. I’ve lost a lot of weight in the past year but full ct scan ruled out anything sinister. I’m waiting for endocrine for overactive adrenals gp useless with endocrine issues

ninja1 profile image
ninja1 in reply to ninja1

Do you have any thyroid issues I had my gland removed 29years ago and have been told that thyroid issues have an affect on mch and Mchc but not so much on the Mcv. Also bowel issues my levels have been too low lately my t3 is 0

ninja1 profile image
ninja1 in reply to ninja1

Magnesium. H. 1.0

Tsh. High. 9.53

Free t4. 17.5

Free t3. 3.0

Cortisol random. 334

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply to ninja1

Gosh ninja1, I don't know very much about thyroid. I wish I had a good answer for you because I'm in the exact same boat. I do take a liquid multivitamin called Daily Complete but I order it from Canada and it is expensive so I can't get it all the time. That does make me feel better. But like you I'm afraid to take stuff because I don't want to overtake one thing in a multivitamin. For instance my folate is high so I don't want to take folate. There is a thyroid Forum on here that you should probably ask this question to and show them your blood test results because thyroid is not uncommon to have as a secondary autoimmune condition. A lot of people have Hashimoto's and other thyroid issues besides b12d or PA. Your message really hits home for me because you have the exact same questions as me. Why do they keep ignoring my red flag numbers when I feel like I do? yet they keep saying they're not significant enough to cause me a problem, were obviously they are. But I can't get anybody to listen to me and they keep saying the only treatment is B12, in my case. But for you I don't know about your numbers. I'm not familiar with those for thyroid.My quality of life has gone down very very much. Some of it probably has to do with being 62 years old but I wasn't always 62 and I felt like this my whole life. When I was younger I could push past everything but I can't anymore. And my quality of life I would say is probably 30% what it used to be. I don't participate in social events I hardly go anywhere. And I'm desperately trying to find my life. So I know exactly how you feel and I so wish that there was something I could tell you that would help you because unfortunately you have the same questions I do and I haven't been able to find any answers. I get my blood tested every 3 months and one month everything will look pretty good and then the next month I'll be deficient in things but just not enough to concern anybody. Yet I feel terrible. And I don't know how to help myself so unfortunately I don't have any good advice for you. I'm so sorry. I was hoping somebody else would come on here and give you better advice. I would go to the thyroid forum and ask them some of your thyroid questions and show them your results and see if they could help you.

The neuropathy in your feet is very common. mine has gotten much better now that I inject every single day. The first symptoms to come back when I neglect injecting every day are my feet my anxiety and my ability to speak and think clearly. And i lose my balance.

Personally I don't know why they have a sliding scale when the numbers are low or high and they get ignored why do they even use these sliding scales? A red flag is a red flag it's on the lower high side for a reason and people have symptoms and whether they think the numbers are significant or not doesn't matter I think what matters is how the patient feels. I wish I could tell you how to get your numbers better. I find it very difficult to regulate my body and my mood. My apathy is very bad. I thought by now I could find a routine that kept me at a certain place physically and mentally but no luck. One day I feel pretty good and I go do things and the next 3 days I can't get out of the house and oftentimes I spend all day in bed. I feel like my life is passing me by. Like everyone is out there living and I'm not.

I'm so sorry I couldn't be of more help. 💔

ninja1 profile image
ninja1 in reply to EllaNore

I am the same I am told that hypothyroid can cause our weird levels

ninja1 profile image
ninja1 in reply to EllaNore

Do you think I would benefit from any supplement

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply to ninja1

I totally get that. And it is my question too. 🙄 I wouldn't be asking if I didn't feel like crap. So obviously those numbers mean something. Why else do they have a sliding scale if they're not going to use it? I think it's just a form of gaslighting us into making us believe things aren't as bad as they are. I had a hematologist tell me, "that's what I get for looking at my blood work". And I've been told that at least three times. That that is what I get for trying to be my own advocate. It's a very lonely condition to have.

ninja1 profile image
ninja1 in reply to EllaNore

Have you seen an endocrinologist do you have any thyroid levels to show me

EllaNore profile image

This are my thyroid results. They seem fine. It is my ANA, P-ANCA that no one seems to do anything about. So far I was diagnosed with PA, Sjogrens, Raynauds, RA, chronic untreated Lyme for 45 years.

Thyroid tests.
EllaNore profile image

Positive p-anca

EllaNore profile image

High ANA. I have many more tests, just no more thyroid. I was first told I had blood cancer. They left me believing that when they canceled all my appointments and just left me scared for 5 months. These are my tests with no answers. High ANA high p anca etc.

I do go to a rheumatoid doc on the 3rd. I hope to find out more. I will ask for more thyroid tests and more ANA Panca tests. I've been left to figure things out on my own. So I'm not sure how much the rheumy will know.

Sorry I haven't been more help.

EllaNore profile image

Hi ninja1, I was only recently told I definitely have sjogrens, so I never take did any research on it, but I believe this is why I feel like I do. I'm not sure. I will speak to the Rheumatologist on the Sept. 3. But I thought I would share this link to see if you feel this way. If not great but I do feel many of my complaints can be explained here.

ninja1 profile image
ninja1 in reply to EllaNore

I don’t have any inflammation my problem is the blood levels. I’ve lost a lot of weight over the past year I’m only 43kgs had a full body scan to rule out anything sinister I do have high adrenals though and inappropriate sinus tachycardia I saw my doc today who is running more blood tests and contacting endocrinologist again I personally think it’s maybe a blood cancer the way these levels are falling but that’s just me I always think the worst

EllaNore profile image
EllaNore in reply to ninja1

It is easy to go to the bad places. tachycardia and bradycardia are both symptoms of PA. PA causes weight loss and so many things. If you haven't been to the PAS .org site this is the symptoms of PA. There is all sorts of info on that site. Maybe you already know about it. Often times one autoimmune condition is followed by others. That is why symptoms are so hard to pin down to one thing. Weight loss is a big PA symptom.


I have been blaming B12 for my fatigue but I am beginning to think it is the sjogrens as my mouth and tongue hurt so bad and I'm so dry . So I think for me, it is more than the PA. It is easy to blame it for everything. My bloodwork came back with all kinds of red flags and at first they said I had blood cancer Multiple Myeloma, then it was vasculitis, and other things. all the tests showed nothing. So back to B12 I went but after looking at Sjogren's symptoms, I am thinking differently now. It is hard to say what is going on with your blood, they will have to run more tests and rule out things.

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