I've been looking at the last lot of blood tests that my doctor did and was wondering if the serum ferritin level is low or ok. I had the blood tests a couple of months ago and have had no feedback from the doctor at all.On the NHS app for some things it seems to show where your level sits against the normal range but it doesn't show anything against serum ferritin for me. The level is 22ug/l can anyone tell me if this is normal, low etc.
The other thing that is consistently above normal range on all the tests I've had done is "red blood cell distribution width", so am I correct in interpreting this to mean I have enlarged red blood cells? If so, is this is an indication of PA?
I've been having injections every three months for just over a year, but as I've mentioned in other threads I'm pretty sure that the frequency needs to be increased. I'm finding benefits for about a month after each injection but then it's wearing off. Next injection on Tuesday, I feel absolutely desperate for it to be honest.
I've had lots of sets of blood tests over the last couple of years but generally the doctor doesn't seem to give me any feedback, so I'm left guessing. But then she gets a set of tests done again and again, I'm confused as to what is going on to be honest.
I'm waiting for a referral to the neurovascular clinic, which says I should hear by the 5th August which is Monday. I'm pretty sure she's convinced the B12 deficiency isn't causing my neurological problems.
I've ordered some B12 vials yesterday, you can't get an appointment sooner than in 6 weeks time at my GP, I'm sure most are the same, and I'm pretty sure it would be futile anyway so I've decided to take things into my own hands like many here.