Hi all, I am a 41 white female. Ive been a vegetarian for 30 years and ive always had anemia in which I take iron tablets. Despite eating a healthy veggie diet by weight ballooned 10 years ago and I have not found a diet that helps me to lose weight I am now obese and i have diabetes which is diet controlled.
I have been going to my doctors as I have had 7 bouts of sinus problems and my glands are constantly raised. Finally after my salivary gland became infected they started to take me seriously and sent me for an ultrasound scan.
The scan showed the area around my ear to be perfectly fine, it however showed my thyroid gland is grossly heterogenious and there are thyroid nodules.
As a result I was sent for blood tests
Thyroid Function tests - normal
Liver Function tests - normal
Urea and electrolytes - normal
Bone profile - normal
FBC - Showed Mean Corpusc haemoglobin as low 25.6 and Red Cell Distribution as high 16.8%, rest of results normal
Iron overload studies showed serum c reative protein level as high 24mg, serum iron leve as low 7,5 umol/l, Percentage iron saturation low 10%
My GP is now on leave and there is no one to discuss my results with, I get very tired, lack energy, dizzy and my body aches and tingles but its not stopping me from working etc.
I also have a red eye at the moment, the optician thinks I have an auto immune disease (he is unaware of my recent tests)
My question why would my scans show one thing and my bloods for thyroid be ok? My GP is on leave and I go on holiday next week, im guessing im ok to go but would like to know what they are suspecting. Anyone have similar results and wants to guess what I have, im guessing an auto immune disease and uncontrolled anaemia...just wish I dont have to wait 6 weeks to get answers.