I've just been diagnosed with SIBO after a year of unrelenting diarrhoea following food poisoning at a festival. Also with severe methylation difficulties, B vitamin deficiencies and in particular B12 deficiency. I'm relieved to have a diagnosis and treatment strategy, but feeling somewhat overwhelmed by it all. The info here is very helpful, thanks everyone. I've ordered the B12 from Versandapo.de as suggested, and have ordered some needles from Medisave. However, I couldn't find 2ml needles and ordered 1ml fixed needle/syringe combo. However, I see that people with experience say you need a 2ml syringe for a 1ml ampule. Why is it that you need a bigger syringe than the amount you're injecting? Sorry for such a basic question, but it would be helpful to know.
I think sub cutaneous injecting feels less daunting to me, and I was thinking of beginning with a 29G needle. I couldn't find a combo of 2ml syringe and 29G needle at Medisave. It would be really helpful if someone could guide me about how to find this please, if it doesn't contravene regs.