ono89900ttPlease use this forum .
Not PMs
Not seen any posts on here from you ???
ono89900ttPlease use this forum .
Not PMs
Not seen any posts on here from you ???
I believe that I have also had a pm from this person. It appears to be spam requesting money and I have reported it as such.
A request for money not made on mine ?Also reported.
Yes, I have had messages too. The first one just said that this person wanted to 'follow me'. The second, a few minutes later, was the usual guff about being diagnosed with cancer, only having weeks to live and wanting to donate millions to an orphanage if I would assist with the transfer of the funds. I reported it, and now that 'membership' seems to be closed.
This person is a notorious spammer. Please report to HU as they are all over Hu on other Forums trying to get money. The more people report the quicker HU will do something.