Silent Reflux and B12 Deficiency- Any... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Silent Reflux and B12 Deficiency- Any Link?

Jessie_02 profile image
12 Replies


I was diagnosed with low B12 following a blood test in December last year, on injections but only had 3 of the 6 loading doses then was moved on to one every three months due to severe side effects that worried my GP. Had my first of the 3 monthly ones a few weeks ago and all went well. I saw my ENT consultant last week for ongoing ear issues and he diagnosed me with silent reflux too, completely out of the blue with the only symptom being a husky voice that I kept losing (this was initially put down to my severe hay fever until I was seen by ENT).

Just out of curiosity more than anything, is there a link between low B12 and reflux? I had an intrinsic factor blood test done after my B12 came back as low but that was negative (although I know that the test isn’t reliable or accurate so can’t be complete ruled out).

I also have Tuner Syndrome so am on HRT patches (I’m 32 years old), I have had Vit D deficiency in the past but it was tested last year and was good, I’m prone to iron deficiency anaemia although this appears to be down to my periods and switching my HRT has helped massively although not had levels rechecked since then to confirm yet, and I also have non alcoholic fatty liver disease (lost 1.5 stone so far to try and help this).


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Jessie_02 profile image
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12 Replies
wedgewood profile image

If low B12 is caused by Pernicious Anaemia / Autoimmune Gastritis( AIG is just another name for P.A.) then it follows that you will have low stomach acid , as the parietal cells that produce stomach acid as well as the Intrinsic Factor, are destroyed by the Intrinsic Factor Antibodies . Pernicious Anaemia patients produce these antibodies . Low stomach acid ( Hypochlorhydria) does not warn the Oesophageal Sphincter to close shut tightly , as full strength stomach acid would , so some low strength stomach acid gets through the sphincter and causes pain in the oesophagus, So that’s acid reflux or as it’s sometimes called “ heart -burn” .

It is known that people produce less stomach acid as they get older . ( but this doesn’t apply to you !!! ) They are often prescribed PPIs ( Proton Pump Inhibitors ) for “heart burn” which totally inhibits stomach acid , so then there is no acid reflux ……….

But we need our stomach acid. It has an important job to do . It helps to check any bad bacteria in our stomachs , and also helps to break down food for absorption of vitamins and minerals . It follows that our stomach needs help with acidic drinks when we eat protein . There is also help in the shape of Betaine HCl capsules with pepsin . Best to be advised by a nutritionist on the use of these . Also probiotics in capsule form, water based probiotic like “ Symprove “ or probiotic foods like real yoghurt , kimchi , sauerkraut and kefir can help the stomach flora (i.e. beneficial bacteria ) flourish when stomach acid is low . .

Jessie_02 profile image
Jessie_02 in reply to wedgewood

That’s very interesting and makes a lot of sense! Thank you!

Cb1963 profile image
Cb1963 in reply to wedgewood

Once again the bible of knowledge has a wealth of advice, on this subject you are probably the most informative person regarding this subject, the forum needs people like you 🫡👏

wedgewood profile image
wedgewood in reply to Cb1963

Thank you for your kind response . I am very concerned about the fact that P..A. / A.I.G. Is so badly treated . I had a terrible time with doctors when I found I had the dreaded condition . I’m upset when I hear that people continue to have a terrible time in getting a diagnosis and correct treatment .I’m left with an irreversible problem as a result of very delayed treatment .

It maddens me to think that this could all be avoided with some intelligent “detective work” from doctors , and adequate treatment with cheap B12 injections, which most patients could self- administered by the less intimidating sub - cutaneous method if they so wished. I hope to live to see this happen , but I’m not optimistic, as I’m 87 ! .

Best wishes to you .

charks profile image

What were your severe side effects?

Jessie_02 profile image
Jessie_02 in reply to charks

Hi, I became very poorly, in so much pain from head to toe like I’d been hit by a bus then drugged with sleeping tablets I was so groggy, I was sick and dizzy, couldn’t eat for about a week, I was so poorly. The Drs think it’s just my system waking up and getting used to having the B12 in my system but after the 3rd loading dose they wouldn’t let me have any more of the loading doses and put me on the 3 monthly ones which have been so much better, I felt much better and more alert and ‘with it’ after, and no side effects.

Cb1963 profile image

Having B12 deficiency causes untold health issues, muscle twitching,eyelids flickering, pins and needles, tinnitus, and a deep chest rumbling sensation if things progress to far, even feeling breathlessness, that's a sign you are also needing folic acid tablets, so I know some people are having the tablet form of B12 but they reckon it doesn't get absorbed properly and I think there's a spray version as well.Often people who have had stomach issues are likely to have B12 issues, or even had to many general anesthetics causes an imbalance in the gut, omeprazole is another tablet that affects the long-term balance of the gut, there's also the H plyroi stomach bug that can cause B12 deficiency, often a saliva test can pick this condition up, I don't know much about your other health conditions, but obviously i have B12 deficiency myself which causes tiredness towards the end period when I'm due my injection and lack of concentration, perhaps try a different way to get your B12 improved, best of luck!

Jessie_02 profile image
Jessie_02 in reply to Cb1963

Thank you! Oh yes my eyes twitching used to drive me insane before I started the injections and they stopped twitching! I did have a course of folic acid tablets prescribed when I had my loading doses of B12, my folate was okay and in range but was towards the bottom end of the normal range if I remember rightly. I’ve never had omeprazole and only been on gaviscon for the past week since I was diagnosed with silent reflux. Oh that’s interesting, I don’t think I’ve been tested for that bug, I know I’ve not had a saliva test, I’ll have to ask. It’s all so interesting how it’s all linked isn’t it!

Thank you, good luck to you too!

Sailing63 profile image

Good to read your post. I have tested deficient for B12 since 2004 and have just had my 3rd course of loading doses, this time I have charged GP with follow up treatment, ie boosters every 10-12 weeks. GP has requested a B12 blood test on 11/7 (90 days after last blood test) and I have queried why? of course my B12 will read high due to the loading doses. I am armed with the new NICE guidelines ie treat symptoms not numbers and will insist I get support before my numbers go low (140 scored) and symptoms return. Regards silent reflux, this year I have had 2 quite nasty cough/chest issues, my family had same and had anti-biotics, as I am a bit reluctent to take tablets and a bit "blokey" I soldiered on. Now I have phlegmy chest, stuffy nose, sometime sore eye and sneezes which just wont shift. I have had clear chest x-ray and no heart enlargement, a ECG / Holter and BNP blood test, all back fine. IFAB blood test came back within normal range (but I am aware that there is a high error rate on these tests). So everything so far comes back fine, but the phlegmy chest / cough wont shift. When I stop and think about it, the one sensation I often feel is a "bubble turn" in my stomach. Problem since being diagnosed B12D is there may be a tendency to attribute everything undiagnosed to B12D and care must be taken. My GP practise is now a "teaching practise" and there is no opportunity to see a senior GP. I can see the trainees checking symptom checker on line whilst we are talking. I have gone from being a confident, ourdoors, golfing dog walking highly active 60 year old to having concerns to do these things incase its a more serious cardio issue. Worst is the impact on my mental wellbeing which is now being noticed by many. This could be part of the "reversing effect" of getting B12 but again I caution against putting ailments down to a recent B12D confirmation. I too think that SR may be part of the problem as it does mess with broncho/lungs etc but cannot get a GP to make either the correct or non attributive link between symptoms and possible B12D / reversing issues. They just dont know enough it seems unless Dr Google tells them. Guard against putting it down to B12 and ensure a correct diagnosis is sort, if nothing but for peace of mind!

Jessie_02 profile image
Jessie_02 in reply to Sailing63

Thank you for your reply, I’m so sorry to hear how much it’s affecting you. I don’t think some Drs really appreciate just how badly B12 symptoms affect people in their day to day lives, and like you said once you have a diagnosis then everything just gets put down to that and doesn’t get investigated properly. I hope you get some answers and help and support soon X

Helliborous profile image

Hi Jessie_02, Yes in my experience it is linked to PA. I have silent reflux often and hoarseness and sometimes take gaviscon I have also raised the head of my bed. Ialso have problems with my ears and I don't know but suspect it is linked. I have just started to use 'Otovent' for glue ear it treats the pressure in the middle ear , mine recently flared up following a flight to Denmark. Using it is quite the party trick , I'm thinking I might go on Britains got talent. When using it you have to blow up a special balloon using your nose and drink water through a straw 🥴 but it's helping a lot believe it or not. I believe the silent reflux is caused by low stomach acid which develops with PA

Jessie_02 profile image
Jessie_02 in reply to Helliborous

Thank you! It’s so interesting how it’s all linked isn’t it! Oh yes I have the Otovent too, it’s definitely a party trick for sure!

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