This forum seems such a helpful community, I have finally plucked up courage to post. I have some questions which I would be really grateful if someone might be able to help me with. My (22 year old) son was informed he had B12 deficiency around a year ago. He had been suffering with anxiety and fatigue for a long time . After his 2nd loading dose he had a problem with needing the loo frequently, we thought it would be a urine infection but doc tested his urine and all clear. He has since had a bladder scan and has been to see a urologist who without any further tests, said he has an overactive bladder. He was prescribed tablets which didn’t work, he has been offered a different tablet which he is going to try. Is there any way this could be linked to his B12 deficiency, or just a coincidence that it appeared with the injections. His anxiety and tiredness have improved.
At diagnosis (Feb 19) serum B12 was 112 ng/L (120 -900)
After 6 loading doses in mid March
Blood test in mid May was 197ng/L (120 – 900)
first 3 monthly Injection in June
Blood test in September 161 ng/L (120 – 900)
Injection later in September
He wasn’t allowed to have another blood test but had another injection in December and is due another in March.
He was tested for intrinsic factor antibodies and was told it was negative so he doesn’t have PA, his folate was also tested and was low, he is taking folic acid tablets for this. Thankfully they are still offering him the B12 injections.
Sorry if I have rambled a bit, my questions therefore:
Are there any other tests he should be asking for?
How do we know if the B12 is working as the serum figures seemed to be coming down again. We were under the impression that reading should be very high now he is having injections?
Could the bladder issues be related?
Many thanks