I have B12 deficiency (non-diet related) probably PA although I I tested negative for the antibodies. I my serum B12 levels were low/ normal and I had scary neurological symptoms with it but no anemia, and it took a referral to a neurologist to get diagnosed. Since I have been having injections twice weekly I have seen so many symptoms resolve, some of which I had no idea were B12 related in the first place.
However, my mum who is in her 70s is currently very unwell. She has a wide range of symptoms, many of which could be explained by B12 deficiency. Her MCV is high at 109.1 meaning she has macrocytosis, although she does also have other abnormal blood markers (not indicative of B12 D) which have left her GP stumped. Her Serum B12 is 762 and folate is 9.8, so her GP is unwilling to consider the possibility of B12 deficiency. She has never taken any supplements which could effect her result.
Her results were referred to haematologist who wasn't concerned and said he didn't need to see her. I have been trying to get her a neurology appointment but so far without success.
I understand that Serum B12 762 would not normally suggest a deficiency. But is it possible to have a severe deficiency whilst also having a high/ normal Serum B12 result? My mum seems to be getting worse every day, with arm and leg weakness, hair loss, extreme fatigue, urgency for toilet trips etc and I would like a medical professional who understands B12D to at least rule it out, so I can be certain its not getting missed, before she ends up on another waiting list for months to see a rheumatologist.
Can anyone shed any light on the question of whether B12 deficiency is possible with a high/ normal Serum B12 result?