Hi everyone, I have deen trying slippery elm to no avail for general stomach discomfort. I sometimes feel as if I have a 'fist' moving around in my stomach. The 'fist'feeling then just stays perfectly still, I then feel like I need to stretch to accomodate the 'fist' and then it feels a little better. Has anyone felt stomach relief with other remedies. Thank you.
Atrophic Gastritis: Hi everyone, I have... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Atrophic Gastritis

I'm a great believer in treating the cause not the symptom. Atrophic Gastritis can be caused by bacteria or autoimmune response. The autoimmune response is usually triggered by food allergies. You could try experimenting with your diet to see if that helps. I found out I was intolerent to gluten and dairy - which are the most common culprits. Since stopping eating them I don't have any problems with gastritis. And it's also resolved my gastric reflux.
Everyone is different but, after trying many remedies, including Slippery Elm, I finally found that having kefir every morning, sauerkraut (or other bitter) with or after a meal, and going gluten free, relieved uncomfortable bloated, full feelings and most digestive problems have all but disappeared 🤗
Fingers crossed it will work for you Helliborous🤞
PS If out and about, Vogel’s Centaurium Drops are a handy bitter in a tiny bottle to keep on you to take with a little water.
I’m not super familiar with your condition but when my b12 was at its lowest my insides felt raw and burned and hurt so bad. These two products help me a lot. I’m not sure where they all deliver too but I’m sure you could even find something similar.
Eliminate wheat, dairy, nightshades. I swallow dried ginger. It is easier for me to just swallow it than eat it raw, as I don't like it. It works for me. I've tried marshmallow tea and slippery elm and other things, but swallowing the dried ginger seems to havethe quickest positive effect for me. I also do daily probiotics.
I have AG along with PA. I inject b12 weekly take kefir daily and recently I’ve found intermittent fasting (I try to do 16hrs overnight) along with taking apple cider vinegar before a meal and /or during helps with the bloating. Good luck
I use a few drops of peppermint oil in hot water to calm my gut discomfort. It is a short term fix not a cure but it gives excellent relief.
Very sorry to hear Slippery Elm hasn't worked for you.
When digestive discomfort is at its worst I find that I have to have a few days of eating very lightly. In particular I make a chicken broth which seems to be very soothing.
Hi Helliborous,
Sometimes gastritis can occur due to other deficiencies such as other vitamin Bs and zinc.
Sorry, I do not have time to find the exact literature which states this.
Pop onto gluten free guerillas, ask them lot as many of us suffer from it. There’s a couple of people who advise and it is their profession.
Thank you Narwhal10, I will check the website.
How do you know it's atrophic gastritis? Have you been checked for stomach cancer? If not, I'd suggest you make sure you do get checked soon. I don't want to be alarmist, but it's something Martyn Hooper thinks we all should be screened for, as PA increases the risk. Maybe more, smaller meals might help. Big hugs and I hope you get some improvement soon with diet changes.
Thank you Oneash, I was told about atrophic gastritis Nov 22 following an endoscopy done by the NHS, and told no further follow up needed. As I wasn't satisfied with the 'no further follow up' I decided to see a gastro consultant privately. He advised me to have another endoscopy and he would do biopsies on different areas of my stomach to confirm the atrophic gastritis diagnosis and to then have 2 yearly surveillance if necessary . This is being done in the next 2 weeks.
Hi Helliborous, I found that my stomach discomfort is due to low stomach acid. I take lemon juice in water first thing in the morning and then before meals. Doing this has alleviated the problem, maybe worth a try.