Hello everyoneone. I injected b12 shots last week. And wanted to test my homocystein level in order to make sure that i have really b12 deficiency. But i learned about homocystein after injections of b12. My lab results of vit b12 was 165pg/ml(160-944)I wondered whether homocystein level affeteed by injection of b12 or not? Appreciate any advice 🙏🙏
Is it reliable and trusty to measure ... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Is it reliable and trusty to measure homocystein after loading doses of b12 injections?

Homocysteine (if it was elevated as a result of B12 deficiency), should reduce following injections. I don't know exact numbers or time periods that it would take to correct. Other conditions can elevate homocysteine so its not the most specific marker (MMA is somewhat better). Other than B12, Folate and B6, Homocysteine reduction may also be assisted by TMG (Trimethylglycine).
Thanks. It was so helpful
More than 4g TMG per day has a risk to increase LDL cholesterol but normal supplemental doses are usually only 500mcg to 1g. Something to be aware of though especially if you already have high cholesterol numbers.
As per one research paper, homocysteine and other markers should normalise within a week of B12 shots, so these tests are no longer relevant to you. A B12 serum level of 165 though, is sufficient for you to start supplementation.
Hi am111,
Is it possible to post a link to that research paper please ? I am trying to understand homocysteine levels a bit more. No problem if you cannot.
All the best.
please see this paper:
It says:
"A failure of homocysteine or MMA to normalize during the first week suggests an incorrect diagnosis."
Also, homocysteine is affected by multiple B vitamins, in particular folate(b9) and B6 and deficiency in any of these can cause a high homocysteine, so it is not that specific to B12 deficiency. MMA is more specific to B12 deficiency.