Hello dear members. I tested my b12 level again to see how much raised it after 5 loading dose during loading dose period. I injected 5 dose of 1mg or 1000 microgram cyanocobalamin. At the first one my vitb12 level was 165(160-845pg/ml). I injected 5 dose of vitb12 shot during 56 days (July 07-september01). I tested my vitb12 level again about 17 days after last shot. I read here in community that testing vitamin b12 after injections in no of use. But i myself tested to see the changes. The results came back as 590(190-950pg/ml).is nt it amazing that after injecting such a huge load of vitb12, i still be in normal range 😢🤣😁. Befor the test i had thought it might be very high that can exceed the normal range. I think my body is wasting vitb12. What do you think😀😀
Tested my b12 level again after loadi... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Tested my b12 level again after loading doses

Loading doses are usually 1mg every other day or 1mg twice a week for several weeks to a month, although the exact procedure varies and can be extended (even open-ended) in cases of neurological damage. If I understand correctly you injected 1mg a total of five times over 56 days, so on average, you injected once every ~11 days. This is a much lower frequency than any loading dose standard.
Also, individuals may have a better or worse capability to clear unneeded serum B12 over a particular period of time. You seem to have good clearance capability!
The body does not "waste" B12, it will take and use everything it needs and store or discard the rest.
It remains the case that measuring the serum B12 is not useful to measure efficacy of B12 deficiency treatment. But it is interesting data
Thank you for your reply. Yes you are right. I injected them at low rate because my doctor don't advice me for injection (he thought 165pg/ml was normal. He said there is no need to supplementation because yiur MCV looks good. So i decided to injection my self. So i was not sure if im doing right thing... So i did it at slow rate for prevention of any inconvenience 😁🤣. The other thing that you pointed on was the clearance point of view. I drink so many water and pass it very rapidly (urination volume near 2.5 liter a day). Im not diabetic. But i noticed that my frequency and volume of urination had dropped noticeably during injection. So i think that my polyuria may be related to vit b12 deficiency. And i think that my normal vit b12 level after that loading doses was because of my frequency of urination (my kidneys pass it out at fast speec).
Did you find that the injections had any effect on symptoms?
Sure. I think it was miracle like. I couldn't go out of home. I was always sleepy and woke up very late. I am right now using Uber like driver (internet taxi). Before injection i was not able to drive more than 2 hour a day. After 2 hours i used to feel tired and extremely hungry. After injections i could drive almost 5 hour a day without feeling any sense of tiredness and hungry. I also had weak muscles. And weak balance. Recurrent aphtus ulcers in mouth. You can't believe it but i became to a person that couldn't stand at my feet for more than 5 minute. After that time i felt like dizzy and faint. I can say that half of these symptoms healed after injections.i think i really had problem with my b12 contrary to what my doctor believed in 🙃
I've read that only an estimated 15 % of a 1 mg cyanocobalamin injection is retained. Of course there'll be individual variations, but it is possible that only 0.75 mg was actually kept by the body of the 5 injections. Given that a human body normally contains 2-4 mg b12, or at maximum up to 5 or 6 mg, your value 17 days after the last injection seems plausible.
I often try to compare the amount of b12 added to the body, not just with the normal daily requirement which is tiny, only a few micrograms, but to the amount normally stored in the body, which is a few milligrams.
A normally healthy person with no absorption problem and with normal amounts stored in the body will normally only require a little to maintain those levels. But it takes a bit more to build up storage when levels have dropped.