I was diagnosed with Pernicious Anaemia in 2017 and am on 8 weekly injections now. I also SI usually once a week. I still have lots of symptoms and still suffering with Iron Deficiency Anaemia which I can't seem to get better from.
I have been neglecting to take folate and am wondering which is the best form to take as I do suffer from absorption issues I think as have stomach problems sometimes. I did recently get my ferritin tested but forgot to ask for folate.
This was the ferritin result:
serum ferritin level 27.9 ug/l result says 16-40 borderline
The GP classed this as normal no further action
i think my white blood count was also low
total white blood count 5.0 10*9/L [4.0 - 11.0]
I also have Hypothyroidism and Vitiligo.
I would be grateful for some help please as I don't feel well at the moment.