Hi, everyone! I'm hoping those of you who have more experience appraising lab results can help me here, since I still have two weeks before I can go to the hematologist to have these explained to me. I have iron deficiency anemia (formally diagnosed) and, until recently (?), what I assumed to be pernicious anemia, given the following baseline results:
Intrinsic Factor AB - reactive / positive
B12 - 248 pg/ml (ref. range 180-914)
Ferritin - 8 ng/ml (ref. range 11.0-306)
MMA - 321 (higher than normal reference range of 87-318)
After two iron infusions and two shots of B12, which were both prescribed to me, these are my results, which largely seem to be normal:
Intrinsic Factor AB - listed as "normal" (0.9 AU/ml in a reference range of 0.0-1.1)
B12 - 203 (lower)
Ferritin - 667 (!!!!! - muuuuch higher)
MMA - 175 (normal)
So, my questions are:
1) why is my B12 dropping even with the shots?
2) I've read here (thank you for your knowledge) that the IFAB test can yield false negatives some of the time. But my second, more detailed test shows antibodies, albeit in a normal range. Is this a thing? And, as a result, is my doctor likely to say that I don't have PA?
3) did the successful iron treatment bring down my MMA levels? Is MMA primarily a concern of PA or IDA (or both)? and, finally,
4) to what extent can I expect to be driven crazy by a ferritin level of 667, considering that iron levels that are too high can be just as dangerous as levels that are too low?
Thanks so much for your time and consideration!