Did anyone have a weird pressure sensation at the base of their skull? I feel like someone is squeezing the base of my skull. My b12 is only 126 I’m trying to get injections just didn’t know if this was a symptom.
Back of Head: Did anyone have a weird... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Back of Head

I had sensations like this. I'm not sure I ever discussed it with GPs and specialists though as I had so many other symptoms.
Thank you! As long as I know it’s from the b12 I’ll find a way to get injections. Thanks!!
Thought these might be helpful.
Symptoms of B12 Deficiency
Have you been referred to a neurologist?
I can't be sure the head squeezing sensations I had were due to b12 deficiency. Have you discussed this symptom with your doctor?
I’ve seen a neurologist and have had brain MRI and entire spine MRI he was very concerned and said everything could be caused by b12 but wasn’t sure how to get me b12. My primary care yelled at me and told me to stop calling her about b12. As it was now at 260 from 126 and I shouldn’t be having these symptoms anymore then. And she basically terminated me as a patient. The neurologist then said he didn’t know if it was b12 but didn’t know what it was. But my numbers are low. I say squeezing for lack of better term it’s like a presssure/tingling. But I guess could be described as squeezing too.
Yes ivs had that and many more head symptoms . I also used to get a pressure on top too.
Yrs I also had a low b12 of 106 at the start. The pressure does improve.
My head only locks at the back towards the end of the day now and not every day.so many weird symptoms. I think it must be the nerves .
Hope your Injections give you relief
Hi there- my daughter was diagnosed last summer, her b12 level was 98. Main symptoms- feeling something stuck in her throat, breathlessness, and pressure in head and ears- so yes, definitely one she had mentioned. Nearly a year on and with monthly injections and iron supplements she is not feeling perfect but much improved. Good luck I hope you get the treatment that you need 😊
Did she take any other vitamin along side her injection of b12
Like folic acid etc
I have same symtoms and was told to take this I feel worse what was her iron level at ?
Yes, she now takes a folic acid tablet and a sublingual b12 each day on top of iron. Her ferritin was just within range and we were fobbed off by GP for some time - he finally agreed to give iron supplements and she has improved a lot - I think her level was 13. Her symptoms definitely got worse before better and she has ongoing weirdness- her periods have now stopped for last 3 months, skin condition under her arms, for example. The first 17 years she was so well we saw a GP maybe 4 times, now it feels like we live there! I’m sorry you’re feeling worse - when did your symptoms start? Do you have the issue with swallowing?
What strength folic acid ?
I took them was told 5mg daily I swear it’s made me worse
How often are her b12 injections mines 3 a week
Straight after I’m worse though it’s week 5
I’m exhausted and feel no better
Surely though it’s not normal to progress worse I’m thinking
My b12 was 124 it’s now high of course
My folate was 3.3
Now 26 high
My iron is 49 haven’t taken nothing as I’m. Sure that’s a normal range
What sublingual ? Is that as well as injections ?
What dose of iron ? Is that daily ? Weekly ?
400mcg of folic (standard one from supermarket) ferrous Fumarate 210MG x 2 daily as prescribed by GP for last 2/3 months (iron level at 24 at last blood test, so improving) b12 sublingual 500ug most days just in case it helps. B12 injection at GP monthly.
We are still very much feeling way through it - she felt worse at loading doses and I would say feels like she has some normal days now, but not every day. She just has hope that bad days will pass now, which makes it more tolerable.
I hope you have some improvements very soon x
I hear though the folic acid is a nasty one to take I could be wrong though I was then advised folate instead as it’s not synthetic
I know so little about this, so don’t feel I can advise - if you search up folic acid though on this board you will find lots of info.
Yes the sublingual is b12 - its highly likely she absorbs nothing from it, but believe it can do no harm - especially as her level was so low to start with.
Can’t remember iron ranges off top of head, but she was borderline very bottom of range - iron tablets seem to have stopped her breathlessness we think. Hard to pick apart as so many symptoms overlap.
You will find lots of amazing info on this forum from some very knowledgeable people 😊
What stength b22 sublingual ?
Sorry I’m new to all this feeling rough
Not sure if my iron is ok at 49
B12 sublingual is 500ug and made by cytoplan- I ordered on line and they dissolve under the tongue.
I guess your iron is ‘within range’ but feel I may have read something around it being better for b12 absorption if in the 60s/70s/80s plus. Maybe worth you posting separately about this for better advice though 😊 ask now you can take too much iron.
As I say, there are so many more knowledge people here i would definitely ask!
Blimey that’s way too low it could be it affects all over the body.
I get a feeling of pressure in the top and back of my head which I discovered was made worse by the tablets I was taking to lower my blood pressure, have now changed to a different tablet and things have improved although I still get symptoms just not as severe so am going to bring up again at my next meds review (whenever we are able to get back to some form of normal)
If you are on any other meds it might be worth looking to see if there is a possible link
Best wishes
I have PA and B12 and have just recently posted about weird sensations in the back of my head, and my cheekbones and neck. I haven’t really got to the bottom of it yet and am still researching with help from this forum. I hope you can get your own problem resolved soon. Take care.
I had face tingles a lot & I’ve seen some say they get vibrations like a mobile
I switched to an osteopathic doctor and he said he wasn’t entirely up to date in B12 defiency but was willing to order whatever injections I wanted and if they helped great. Only issue is we have to order online and wait for them to come in because I can only seem to tolerate hydroxcobalim which is hard to find in US. They all only carry cyanocobalmin which I have nasty side effects from. I explained about how I should have loading doses and my b12 serum should be off the charts after. I also get tingling in my ear a lot! Now that I know my B12 is low I can attribute it to that. I was glancing through past lab results and I had a B12 level of 148 in 2016 and it says on it “indeterminate” and my pcp at the time said it’s completely normal!