Hi all. I’m wondering if I can get some advice!
A couple of weeks ago now I found out I have really low B12 and serum folate levels after getting a blood test. When I spoke to the GP, she said that as my blood count was normal she’s unsure if I have an anaemia or how to treat me. Could I have PA with normal blood count?
I’ve had really bad symptoms for the last couple of years with feeling lightheaded, nauseous, fatigued (even at times suffering neurological symptoms to the point where I cannot get my words out and my face goes numb almost like a stoke). Now I’ve finally found out what was causing all of this I was expecting it to be dealt with quickly, however I still haven’t heard back from my GP about how best she would like to treat me. She had mentioned the injections but wasn’t sure the surgery was giving them out right now which I’ve seen is a massive problem at the moment.
I eat very well and work in the largest dietetics department in the UK meaning I have all the nutritional knowledge and support I could need, so know it is not a dietary related deficiency.
I take lansoprazole due to a hiatus hernia and I know long-term use of these drugs can lead to B12 deficiency - but she didn’t suggest this herself and I don’t want to seem like I’m pushing anything as not an expert.
I’d really like some advice on what kind of treatment I should be looking for. I hate being pushy with doctors and have so often been dismissed I give up very easily, but these symptoms effect me daily and I would like to get some help. I was optimistic when I got my test results because I finally had an answer - but now I know the risks of leaving these deficiencies untreated it’s incredibly frustrating I haven’t been offered any treatment. I’m going to call my docs again next week, but wanted to know if there is any kind of stance I should be taking going into this so I get treated effectively?
Thanks in advance for any help!!