I have an ileostomy due to major bowel surgery two years ago. Because of this I don’t absorb B12 and get an injection every three months! I don’t feel this is enough as after six weeks I start to get symptoms again! Anyone else in the same situation and how often do you get an injection! Thanks for any help!
B12 deficiency due to Ileostomy - Pernicious Anaemi...
B12 deficiency due to Ileostomy

I have been forced to self-inject because symptoms of B12 deficiency return after 10 days without an injection . I have Pernicious Anaemia . I had to get the diagnosis from a private doctor , as my GP saw nothing wrong in my low B12blood Serum reading of 150 . with many symptoms - dizziness , breathlessness, palpitations anxiety , totally numb feet ( “idiopathic”) I was only allowed a three monthly injection . I told my GP that I was self-injecting , so received no more injections at the surgery. This what happens if you are frank with the doctor . If you don’t tell them , it reinforces their view that 3 monthly injections are adequate .for all ( well they are for some — we are all different .) The GP told me that no B12 patients at the surgery received injections more often than 3 monthly , and didn’t request more .I knew that at least 2 other patients there had asked for more regular injections , not got them , and had been forced to self-inject , but did not tell their doctors . So that the dilemma you face when you need to self-inject .
Self-injecting is relatively cheap . I buy in bulk — 100 of everything, and one costs about £1.30 - which I consider cheap , when a cup of coffee in a café costs more ( well not at the moment during the lockdown !) So that’s the choice until the medical powers that be come to their senses . The cost to the NHS of the lack of / under treatment of B12 deficiency is enormous , all for the want of a cheap injection . Patients become very unwell and develop serious complications
If you are interested in self-injecting , I will post you a help sheet , Best wishes .
Thank you Wedgewood, I would be interested in self injecting, could you post a help sheet? Same situation as you, GP won’t budge from 3 monthly injections so think I’ll just have to help myself! Thanks for your help, keep well!
I really know how you feel , having been three myself . Self-injecting was the best thing I’ve ever done for my health It’s not expensive , well buying 100 of everything , works out at about £1.30 a shot . You will be able to find out how often you need to inject to keep the awful symptoms at bay . It’s good to know that you cannot overdose . I wish you all the very best .
Pernicious Anaemia/B12 deficient patients and others wanting to self-inject .
B12 ( Hydroxocobalamin ) single use ampoules can be obtained from some German online pharmacies . B12 ampoules are an over the counter item in German pharmacies. These pharmacies are strictly controlled by the German Ministry of Health , so no cause for concern. No prescription need in Germany . ( how enlightened! ) . Many members of our forum obtain their B12 ampoules from these pharmacies , and they are very reliable .
bodfeld-apotheke.de ( site in German , but can be obtained in English from a drop-down list at the top right-hand corner of the
site) About €9.00 courier no matter how many you order .
versandapo.de ( site in German only , so you might need a translation app , or use Google Chrome .) Also about €9.00 courier no matter how many packs
mycare.de is obtainable in English . The courier charges are higher with this pharmacy . ( This pharmacy is only shipping to German postal addresses during the pandemic)
counterapo.de click on Union Jack at bottom of site to get English .€12.00 shipping.
You can pay using PayPal , amazon pay or cards .
It’s a really good idea to register with the pharmacies . It’s so much easier then when you reorder .
amazon.de ( German Amazon ) -available in English. The disadvantage here is that the several pharmacies who supply B12 ampoules through amazon.de , do not all ship to U.K. You need to trawl through until you find one that does .
Search for Rotexmedica B12 depot . Don’t forget “depot” , because you could accidentally order Cynocobalamin, which Rotexmedica also manufacture .Cynocobalamin would also work . but the NHS uses Hydroxocobalamin. Cyno is cheaper . The ampoules are 1mg x 1ml
Hevert , another company produces 1mg x 2ml ampoules .
Pascoe manufactures 1.5mg x 1 ml ampoules .m
The ampoules do not need to be refridgerated, but should be kept under 25 celsius. If temperature gets higher , put them temporarily in the top of the fridge.
Every German pharmaceutical item has a reference number printed on the packet . It is called a PZN. You can search for your required item by using this number . It takes you straight to the item . For 1 packet of 10 ampoules , or multiples thereof , you can use the number 03862297 . For a pack of 100 ( 10 x 10) use the number
03862305 . These numbers are for Rotexmedica Hydroxocobalamin ampoules only . You cannot use these numbers when ordering from amazon.de.
Needles , syringes , swabs and sharps disposal boxes are obtainable from medisave.co.uk
I buy long withdrawal needles 21G x 1 1/2 inches . The withdrawing process makes the needle blunt when it touches the bottom of the ampoule ( ouch!)
I use a 25G x1inch needle for injecting .
Open the ampoule using a swab wrapped around it , to avoid nasty cuts . The weakest spot on the ampoule is marked with a spot on the neck .If you have a problem with this procedure, a device called an ampoule opener , about £4.00 is obtainable from amazon.co.uk
exchangesupplies.org also supply needles and syringes .
The information on supplies applies to UK .There are different sources for U.S.A. mycare.de. used to supply to USA , but I don’t know if they still do . They are only delivering to Germany during the pandemic anyhow .
An Australian company, vitaminb12online.com will ship Cynocobalamin , Hydroxocobalamin and Methylcobalamin kits ( I.M. & Sub-cut ) and single use ampoules, to anywhere on the globe .
vitaminquick.com in Florida supply Methylcobalamin ampoules , but are closed at the moment ( April 2020)
buy-otc.com in Canada , supply Cynocobalamin ( Sandoz , in 10 ml vials , but not in single use ampoules .) They also sell needles and syringes if you have bought injectables from them
biosenseclinic.com in Canada ,. supplies Cynocobalamin vials .
allegromedica..com supply needles and syringes .
To inject Intra muscularly (I.M.)
I use a 2ml syringe , although the ampoule is 1ml. This ensures that I can get every last drop of precious B12 into the syringe . Flick the ampoule to ensure that the B12 is in the bottom , and break it open at the neck, where the weak place is marked with a spot . . I then pull out the plunger on the syringe , and inject the air SLOWLY into the ampoule . Then , when the plunger retracted , every last drop of B12 is in the syringe . Now the injection needle is put on the syringe and all the air in the syringe is expelled by pressing the plunger , until a tiny bead of B12 appears on the tip of the needle 💉. Now you are ready to inject into the middle outside third of your thigh , where the muscle is nearest the surface ( Vastus Lateralis ) . Inject at an angle of 90 degrees .
If you are needle phobic , there is help in the shape of a device called an Auto-injector costing about £100.00 at the moment ( 2020) This is available at a Danish company - unionmedico.com
I don’t use one , but I’ve heard good reports .
If you do want to order one , be aware that the device takes a specific size of syringe etc. So wait and find out before you order any from medisave etc
Also if you are needle sensitive , a numbing cream can be used ( Amazon)
I swap thighs each time I inject .
The above method is I.M. ( Intra -muscular ) and you can find videos about it on Utube . Some OK , some awful.
You can also inject sub-cutaneously ( sub-cut) A shorter needle is used . I know nothing about it , except that it is an accepted way of injecting B12 .
If you are having a B12 injection for the first time , you should have someone nearby , in case of anaphylactic shock . This is a very rare reaction , but I feel obliged to tell you .
Do not worry about overdosing on Vitamin B12 -you cannot . It’s a proven fact.
I have been self -injecting for 4years now , but I do remember how very nervous I was the first time . I was shaking like a leaf . I don’t turn a hair now . It has changed my life . Don’t be impatient . Also some people feel worse before they start to feel better .
Remember to include vitamin B9 in your daily diet ( also know as folate in food -green leafy vegetables, peas etc. ) In tablet form it’s known as folic acid . A modest 400 mcg tablet daily would be good . It cannot be stored in the body for long . B9 works synergistically with B12
If you have Pernicious Anaemia, it’s a good idea to take a multivitamin and mineral tablet , as you will have low or no stomach acid . Hypochlorhydria/Achlorhydria, because the P.A. .antibodies interfere with stomach acid production as well as Intrinsic Factor . So absorption of vitamins and minerals can be inhibited .
P.A.patients might also benefit from probiotic -rich foods like organic raw sauerkraut, kimchi , kefir, real yoghurt and kombucha drinks as lack of stomach acid can upset stomach flora and lead to gut problems , which probiotics can help with... Failing that a probiotic preparation — capsules etc.
Chewing really thoroughly and taking smaller meals more often can be beneficial for someone with low stomach acid . The enzymes in saliva can get to work on starting to break down the food .
Pernicious Anaemia patients should also be aware that it is an auto-immune condition, and as such , rarely comes alone .The most common “ companion” is a thyroid condition . But there are many more.
Very best wishes . Help for Pernicious Anaemia/B12 deficient patients and others wanting to self-inject .
B12 ( Hydroxocobalamin ) single use ampoules can be obtained from some German online pharmacies . B12 ampoules are an over the counter item in German pharmacies. These pharmacies are strictly controlled by the German Ministry of Health , so no cause for concern. No prescription need in Germany . ( how enlightened! ) . Many members of our forum obtain their B12 ampoules from these pharmacies , and they are very reliable .
bodfeld-apotheke.de ( site in German , but can be obtained in English from a drop-down list at the top right-hand corner of the
site) About €9.00 courier no matter how many you order .
versandapo.de ( site in German only , so you might need a translation app , or use Google Chrome .) Also about €9.00 courier no matter how many packs
mycare.de is obtainable in English . The courier charges are higher with this pharmacy . ( This pharmacy is only shipping to German postal addresses during the pandemic)
counterapo.de click on Union Jack at bottom of site to get English .€12.00 shipping.
You can pay using PayPal , amazon pay or cards .
It’s a really good idea to register with the pharmacies . It’s so much easier then when you reorder .
amazon.de ( German Amazon ) -available in English. The disadvantage here is that the several pharmacies who supply B12 ampoules through amazon.de , do not all ship to U.K. You need to trawl through until you find one that does .
Search for Rotexmedica B12 depot . Don’t forget “depot” , because you could accidentally order Cynocobalamin, which Rotexmedica also manufacture .Cynocobalamin would also work . but the NHS uses Hydroxocobalamin. Cyno is cheaper . The ampoules are 1mg x 1ml
Hevert , another company produces 1mg x 2ml ampoules .
Pascoe manufactures 1.5mg x 1 ml ampoules .m
The ampoules do not need to be refridgerated, but should be kept under 25 celsius. If temperature gets higher , put them temporarily in the top of the fridge.
Every German pharmaceutical item has a reference number printed on the packet . It is called a PZN. You can search for your required item by using this number . It takes you straight to the item . For 1 packet of 10 ampoules , or multiples thereof , you can use the number 03862297 . For a pack of 100 ( 10 x 10) use the number
03862305 . These numbers are for Rotexmedica Hydroxocobalamin ampoules only . You cannot use these numbers when ordering from amazon.de.
Needles , syringes , swabs and sharps disposal boxes are obtainable from medisave.co.uk
I buy long withdrawal needles 21G x 1 1/2 inches . The withdrawing process makes the needle blunt when it touches the bottom of the ampoule ( ouch!)
I use a 25G x1inch needle for injecting .
Open the ampoule using a swab wrapped around it , to avoid nasty cuts . The weakest spot on the ampoule is marked with a spot on the neck .If you have a problem with this procedure, a device called an ampoule opener , about £4.00 is obtainable from amazon.co.uk
exchangesupplies.org also supply needles and syringes .
The information on supplies applies to UK .There are different sources for U.S.A. mycare.de. used to supply to USA , but I don’t know if they still do . They are only delivering to Germany during the pandemic anyhow .
An Australian company, vitaminb12online.com will ship Cynocobalamin , Hydroxocobalamin and Methylcobalamin kits ( I.M. & Sub-cut ) and single use ampoules, to anywhere on the globe .
vitaminquick.com in Florida supply Methylcobalamin ampoules , but are closed at the moment ( April 2020)
buy-otc.com in Canada , supply Cynocobalamin ( Sandoz , in 10 ml vials , but not in single use ampoules .) They also sell needles and syringes if you have bought injectables from them
biosenseclinic.com in Canada ,. supplies Cynocobalamin vials .
allegromedica..com supply needles and syringes .
To inject Intra muscularly (I.M.)
I use a 2ml syringe , although the ampoule is 1ml. This ensures that I can get every last drop of precious B12 into the syringe . Flick the ampoule to ensure that the B12 is in the bottom , and break it open at the neck, where the weak place is marked with a spot . . I then pull out the plunger on the syringe , and inject the air SLOWLY into the ampoule . Then , when the plunger retracted , every last drop of B12 is in the syringe . Now the injection needle is put on the syringe and all the air in the syringe is expelled by pressing the plunger , until a tiny bead of B12 appears on the tip of the needle 💉. Now you are ready to inject into the middle outside third of your thigh , where the muscle is nearest the surface ( Vastus Lateralis ) . Inject at an angle of 90 degrees .
If you are needle phobic , there is help in the shape of a device called an Auto-injector costing about £100.00 at the moment ( 2020) This is available at a Danish company - unionmedico.com
I don’t use one , but I’ve heard good reports .
If you do want to order one , be aware that the device takes a specific size of syringe etc. So wait and find out before you order any from medisave etc
Also if you are needle sensitive , a numbing cream can be used ( Amazon)
I swap thighs each time I inject .
The above method is I.M. ( Intra -muscular ) and you can find videos about it on Utube . Some OK , some awful.
You can also inject sub-cutaneously ( sub-cut) A shorter needle is used . I know nothing about it , except that it is an accepted way of injecting B12 .
If you are having a B12 injection for the first time , you should have someone nearby , in case of anaphylactic shock . This is a very rare reaction , but I feel obliged to tell you .
Do not worry about overdosing on Vitamin B12 -you cannot . It’s a proven fact.
I have been self -injecting for 4years now , but I do remember how very nervous I was the first time . I was shaking like a leaf . I don’t turn a hair now . It has changed my life . Don’t be impatient . Also some people feel worse before they start to feel better .
Remember to include vitamin B9 in your daily diet ( also know as folate in food -green leafy vegetables, peas etc. ) In tablet form it’s known as folic acid . A modest 400 mcg tablet daily would be good . It cannot be stored in the body for long . B9 works synergistically with B12
If you have Pernicious Anaemia, it’s a good idea to take a multivitamin and mineral tablet , as you will have low or no stomach acid . Hypochlorhydria/Achlorhydria, because the P.A. .antibodies interfere with stomach acid production as well as Intrinsic Factor . So absorption of vitamins and minerals can be inhibited .
P.A.patients might also benefit from probiotic -rich foods like organic raw sauerkraut, kimchi , kefir, real yoghurt and kombucha drinks as lack of stomach acid can upset stomach flora and lead to gut problems , which probiotics can help with... Failing that a probiotic preparation — capsules etc.
Chewing really thoroughly and taking smaller meals more often can be beneficial for someone with low stomach acid . The enzymes in saliva can get to work on starting to break down the food .
Pernicious Anaemia patients should also be aware that it is an auto-immune condition, and as such , rarely comes alone .The most common “ companion” is a thyroid condition . But there are many more.
Very best wishes .
I had some of my small bowel removed many years ago and it took some years for the doctor to diagnose that I was lacking B12 and I was started on 3 monthly injections. I was fine for a while but I started to have symptoms returning much earlier than my next injection.
I was very fortunate to have a Dr who wanted to try more regular injections and I started on monthly ones. They really helped for many years and my Dr put on my record that I needed monthly injections for life. It’s been challenged several times but I always request they go back to his diagnosis and they continue. So more regular injections are possible I think it’s just finding a doctor who understands we are all different and need different treatments which work for us. Good luck in getting sorted out.
Hi GayleD, I have spoken with my GP about increasing my injections but although he has been very attention over the last two years when I have been very ill he just won’t budge on the timing of them so I think I will self inject! I’m 71 and don’t want to go through the rest of my life struggling for six weeks out of every twelve, time to take action! Thanks for your help! Take care!
Push for more. K managed to get them 2-3 weekly. I still recently bought my own as was getting concerned if they were stopped how more ill I'd become e and wanted to try weekly .
Against alm my beliefs of transparency I've not told the Gp
As I'm on such regular injectio s the message is there that everyone is different. I also want to give my arms a break as ni oresvruotion was agreed in the end to do at home .
If you think toy need more toy need to trial it. I'm no where near settled on a regime . Now got toothache and exposed nerves in the mix. No treatment available ad dont fit the criteria so with added pain hard to decipher whars going on again .
I really hope you get ot sorted . Its your body and your life .
Hi, I’ve had ileostomy for 35 years so b12 has become a big thing for me. You have to understand that the majority of the b12 injection disappears relatively quickly probably within the first month, and because we don’t absorb we have no store to call on. I self inject probable every week to 10 days as GP wil only supply every three months
Hi maggiemummy, you have just convinced me that what I was thinking was right! The injections are only lasting, for me, around six weeks and then I’m getting symptoms! I start to stagger and drop things and get very tired with brain fog! I think I will start to self inject as my GP refused to increase the dose! I’m 71, no point in going through the rest of my life feeling bad for most of it! Thanks for your help! Take care!
Hi Marrob, I also have pernicious anemia as well as ileostomy so two reasons why I don’t absorb. You have to remember docs probably spent a day studying B12 so only go by that, my doc told me three monthly injections were sufficient. There is a book called could it be B12 which I would advise you to get. Where do you live ?
Hi Marrob, I take it with your name you might not be Scottish. I live just outside Dundee. So I’m not that far away should you need some help should you want to self inject