I’m new to this site. Wondered if anyone was experiencing the same thing as me. I have been diagnosed with b12 deficiency my level was 185. My symptoms were disturbed vision which I can’t explain but maybe blurry, panic attacks, loss of balance when walking, swaying, shaky inside, jelly legs, feel like my legs can’t hold my body, tapping in my feet and strange sensations in my legs and twitching in my right eye. I had 6 loading doses of b12 which finished 5 weeks ago this coming Monday, due to have my next injection in January. Are these symptoms classic b12 deficiency symptoms? I don’t have the extreme fatigue does this mean that it’s not b12? I do have tingling in my right hand and in my arm but have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel. Apart from perhaps not feeling shaky inside or the twitching eye I don’t feel any benefit from the injections. In fact the last couple of days I have felt dizzy when turning my head or looking down whilst walking and just feel like my symptoms are worsening. Can this happen? I am an anxious person anyway and this is stressing me right out which I know isn’t helping but I’m so scared that it might be something else and not b12.
Sorry for the long post, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.