I decided this morning, after hearing Angela Merkel's remarks to our PM, it would be prudent to buy a stock of Hydroxocobalamin ampoules. This will give me a stock of 140 which will have expiry dates in 2021.
When I did this before the first of the unmoveable exit dates I got them from Bodfeld Apoteke in Germany delivered here in UK by DHL. I was quick and easy to do. So this time I went to their website which Google kindly translated. I tried to order 100 ampoules as I had before but there was only an option of ordering up to 3 packs of 10. No matter how I tried it would not allow me to order more. I have logged a request for an explanation which has been acknowledged but not as yet answered.
Thinking there might be a problem I decided to go to Versandapo where my first bulk purchase had been sourced. (I didn't actually buy them that time as a close family German friend, then at a local to me university, bought them for me and carried them in his hand luggage.)
Up came their website, different to the one I had visited before and this time I had to choose to have it translated. I found the product Rotexmedica B12 Depot 1mg/1ml injectionslosung. It was listed and at a special discounted price of just over 55 Euros. I ordered it and then went forward to the cashier to put the delivery address in but it clearly said only German addresses were allowed and there was no way I could get past this.
I do have useful German but as I have been mentoring a young man at UK university reading for Batchelor and Masters degrees in English for the past 5 years I am a little out of practice. There was a Live Char option so I invoked that and asked what was happening.
I was first told they do not send to U.K. without a doctors prescription. I told them they had done it before and I do have it prescribed but not in the quantity I need. As we are still in the EU why are they changing the rules. I was passed on to the pharmacist.
She was adamant there was no problem but would find out what could be stopping me. If she couldn't sort it she would arrange the shipment for me herself.
Now comes the point of this whole essay. She said I would have to return to my basket on the website where it was ordered but not progressed and before going to the Cashier I should select the method of payment, either Amazon Pay or PayPal. These would then put in me UK delivery and billing addresses. Then the total price would include the correct courier charge.
I did as I was told and they have acknowledged the order and payment and it is now on its way to me.
It is simple, select your payment method before you go to the Cashier. Otherwise it thinks you are in Germany and will only accept a German address.
They are advising that the 55 Euro price is only available for current stock.
If I find out what is happening at Bodfeld Apoteke I will let you all know as a follow up.
As our families have had a UK/German family union since 1986 I don't personally see getting the material from Germany is going to be a problem for me but it is so much better to be able to do it yourself. I now have an account with Versandapo so who knows what that will mean in the future. (It could be the only free trade agreement between our two countries. They haven't given me the bums rush.)