Hi all
I would be very grateful for some help please.
I am diagnosed with severe Fibromyalgia (diagnosed by a consultant Rheumatologist), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, an underactive thyroid and severe depression and anxiety. Over the last few months I have been feeling even more unwell. I felt so bad, and to be honest have lost so much faith in the NHS, that a couple of months ago I paid for a private blood test. When I got the results they were -
Vitamin B12 195 pmol/L
Serum Folate 5.91 nmol/L
Ferritin 291 ug/L
TSH 1.21 miu/L
My GP prescribed Folic Acid tablets 5mg once per day which I have been taking for 2 months. I had a repeat blood test today. Results were -
Serum B12 201 ng/L
Serum folate level 17.2 ug/L
Serum ferritin level 206 ug/L
TSH 1.11 miu/L
The GP has reviewed my results and says no further action is needed. He only gave me 2 months worth of the Folic Acid tablets and has not said whether I need to keep taking them.
The thing is, I still feel really unwell. I am in a lot of pain (tissue, muscle and bone pain), am experiencing numbness/pins and needles in my hands and feet, am exceptionally tired all the time, irritable and depressed and my short term memory is not great. My sleep is very poor (has been for over 20 years) but even after sleep I never feel refreshed, in fact I wake up with numb hands and feeling like I drunk a bottle of whiskey the night before. The worst thing in the pain in my bones. Not just my joints but right in my bones. The pain is a deep throbbing that just radiates out from the middle.
I've felt so unwell for such a long period of time that I despair. I just dont know where, if anywhere, I go from here. I dont know about others but the doctors just seem to be willing to label every symptom as being Fibromyalgia and seem reluctant to consider other possible causes. I feel stuck and miserable and would appreciate any advice others might be able to give please. Im sorry for the long post - thank you so much for reading
Best wishes