Hi All
Reading the posts on here and reading about b12 deficiency across articles on the internet two consequences of b12 deficiency arise on a regular basis:
1 the increase in red blood cells which appear to be the cause of PA
2 damage to the myelin sheath which appears to cause the problems with the nervous system.
Are both these consequences related to PA or are they separate outcomes caused by b12 deficiency.
I do not have the symptoms commonly stated on here relating to PA but I do have problems with my mental processes which appear to relate to the myelin sheath being damage in my brain.
My symptoms are:
A state of semi consciousness suddenly occurring
Followed by tinnitus
Followed by auditory hallucinations
Followed by a state of confusion.
The incidents last no more than 10 seconds and, over the years of treatment, the tinnitus no longer occurs and the auditory hallucinations have become rare occurrences.
Furthermore, is this process the link with dementia which is stated as a p9tentisl outcome of b12 deficiency?