B12 injections side effects:dry skin,... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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B12 injections side effects:dry skin, acne, prickly/itchy/tingling feeling

4 Replies


I have was diagnosed with b12 defiency in January just after my 40th birthday. Great present not! I was told to have 6 loading doses over 2 wks then 1 every 3 months. within a few days of my last dose, I had a massive acne breakout all over my forehead, chin, back, neck, chest. looking like a teenager at 40 is not what I was looking for. I have never been spotty.just the odd one or two. I tried skinoren which normally work but this didn't. it was affecting me psychologically. I cry many days when I saw myself in the mirror. but it wasn't just the spots. my skin was feeling so so itchy and prickly. like prickly heat all over my body from head to toe but worse. so went to see a gp who doesn't believe you can react to the b12 injections and gave me strong antihistamines. 3 days later still the same so I rang again and spoke to my usual gp who straight away said I had reacted to the injections. I was given oxytetracycline. it worked great 1 wk after taking them the itching/prickly feeling nearly stopped then after 3 wks face was clearing but still had lots of acne scars. so stopped the meds as told by gp. 3 wks later all symptoms have come back (spots, itchy,prickly,pins and needles....). it was so bad after 2 wks it was sore so I started the meds again. and within a wk my skin is better already and no more itchy or prickly feeling. I am not due for my next injection for another 2 wks. so am trying to get more meds as I can't carry on feeling like I have been and looking like I have. 2 wks on meds and no spots but still dealing with the marks. it is depressing me.

is it still possible to react to the injections even 2 months after? has anybody else experienced the acne with the extreme itching, prickly feeling and dry skin.any advice?

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4 Replies
Gambit62 profile image

The most likely explanation of the acne is that it is actually the bacteria on your skin reacting to the high levels of B12 by excreting a toxin that your skin is reacting to. With most people it seems to go away with time but for a few it is a permanent side-effect. You might get a better recommendation from the pharmacist in terms of a wash you could use that might help ... or you could try for referral to a dermatologist.

When you start on B12 your immune system can go into overdrive which means that reactions like the rashes on skin can be a bit worse for a while ... but if you are getting to the 3 month mark then it's probably going to be a permanent thing for you so finding a solution that works for you would be a high priority.

Glitterbug83 profile image


I have always suffered with acne on my face although now at 35 its not as bad but since being diagnosed last August 2017 I had the loading doses and then every 3 months after... I broke out overy my back chest and arms, also very itchy ... Dr gave me duac which is a antibiotic cream which is settling it also referred to dermatologist .

I also was taking sublingual every other day (jarrows) but stopped as my skin was getting worse so I stopped taking them.

I want to continue taking them to see if it helps but my skin gets me down more than the tiredness.

I will let u know how my dermatologist app goes

yes please.let me know what your dermatologist says.

I went back to the gp today and saw another one of my usual ones. he said it could be the b12 but could also be acne rosacea. and it could be coincidence that it started after my injections. well yeah big coincidence considering I 've never had it until after my injections started. could be the b12 loading doses have triggered it? anyway he said I was ok to carry on with the oxytetracycline. I went with no make up on so he could saw the lovely acne scars these 2 big breakouts have left me with. he did say it wasn't nice for anybody to have them. he said it is used to treat acne and rosacea so it is fine to take. some people can be on them for a long time with no side effects. he said once my skin has cleared to lower my dose then stop taking them.just start them.again as soon as I feel it starts again.

he also said to wait until my next injection and see if I get affected again.if it is the case, then we know it is defo the b12 and we would have to find another solution for me to take my b12. so need to wait and see now. next dose in 2 wks.

Hi , I am the same had 6 injections over 2 weeks, I’m in my second week of no injections and have very dry skin around my nose area?,lot of black heads ?,never ever suffered b4?

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