B12 injections side effects:dry skin, acne, prickly/itchy/tingling feeling
I was given oxytetracycline. it worked great 1 wk after taking them the itching/prickly feeling nearly stopped then after 3 wks face was clearing but still had lots of acne scars. so stopped the meds as told by gp. 3 wks later all symptoms have come back (spots, itchy,prickly,pins and needles....). it
I was given oxytetracycline. it worked great 1 wk after taking them the itching/prickly feeling nearly stopped then after 3 wks face was clearing but still had lots of acne scars. so stopped the meds as told by gp. 3 wks later all symptoms have come back (spots, itchy,prickly,pins and needles....). it