He members, I have read much about an exaccerbation of B12 deficiency symptoms after starting B12 injections to proactively readdress B12 deficiency, but wondered if anyone here has experienced improved energy and reduced brain fog the day after their first injection, as I have?
I don't have severe neurological impairment as other have when starting B12 deficiency treatment, but I am acutely aware of how I feel and function - I'm particularly 'self aware'. My biggest issues are chronic fatigue, brain fog and GI issues.
Following my first B12 injection on Friday, which is the start of a 3 month B12 trial therapy for "non-autoimmune functional B12 deficiency", I didn't expect to feel an improvement straight away, however, yesterday I awoke a bit fresher and had marginally more energy and a more positive outlook. My family noticed a difference in me and I was more focused and smiley! I fell asleep for 2 hours in the afternoon, which isn't typical, and awoke okay, had a rough night with poor sleep (only 5-6 hours and of dubious quality), but again, I awoke reasonably okay this morning and took my first solo injection with ease. I have had the very occasional sharp pain in my head and my appetite is slightly lower, but then I actually feel like I have fuel in my body after eating, rather than feeling I'm running on empty all the time, even after eating, which is another positive!
I recall feeling a similar way the day after acupuncture for chronic fatigue about 6 years ago.
How soon can a person with B12 deficiency respond to injections and how often do people feel worse before they feel better? Is it typical to feel there is an improvement in energy/brain fog so soon after starting B12 injections?
What are your experiences after starting frequent B12 injections?
Thank you!