Looking for some advice on my skin if anyone can help.. following my loading infections 2 & a half years ago my skin broke out badly. It’s been on & off since (more off) & it’s really getting to me. My skin has become really oily and I have this weird stuff coming out of my pores on my chest, upper back and a little on my scalp. Can only describe it as like the stuff that you would squeeze out of a blackhead but it’s constantly coming out of every pore. My chest is the worst, the pores look enlarged from producing this stuff. Never had this before ever when I suffered with acne when I was young which was completely cleared by roaccutane. Anyone know what’s going on & anything that will help? Thank you
Skin problems with b12 injections - Pernicious Anaemi...
Skin problems with b12 injections

Hi Lynsey24782 a learned contributor on this forum has written
B12 Side effects
The pimples/acne, is likely to be caused by microbes on your skin reacting to the additional B12 by producing substances that your skin is then reacting to. In theory this could be resolved by use of a good skin wash. You might have better luck talking to your pharmacist and seeing what they can recommend prior to your next maintenance shot - though there is always a chance that it was something that won't recur.
I am not a medically trained person but I've had P.A. (a form of B12 deficiency) for more than 45 years.
I wish you well
and bid you goodnight
What form of B12 are you taking? I experienced bad acne as well on cyanocobalamin. However, my skin has been fine on methyl or hydroxo. Perhaps try a different form?
Hi Lynsey. I really feel for you it’s bad enough having the PA but this is upsetting.. I too have a reaction on and off from the injections but not as bad as you describe but I recognise the blocked pores you mention. I find trying to clear the Pores and treating with medicated spot cream or gel helps and drinking lots of fluid. Also I did read that keeping on top of your injections can help as the reactions come more when your body is depleted and then you have an injection but I can’t verify that but it seems to help for me. You can also get antibiotic gel from the Drs but I found over the counter spot gel better. Good luck 😉
I read somewhere that it's the homocysteine coming out, so that's a good sign. Possibly it's unique to you to be suffering that much or as Etreas said, it could be the type of B12.
Hello there deary. How are you doing today? Really sorry to hear that you are in such an uncomfortable position. I hope that things will get better as soon as possible. I can see how stressful your situation can be. Based on what you are describing I think that you are dealing with the same thing again. Pores leaking such liquids indicates bacterial infection. I guess your doctor will prescribe you antibiotics or something similar. Have you visited him/her yet? If not than you should do just that. Because no one can say for sure what is going on from a far. There are certain exams that should be done. Please take good care of yourself. God bless you and don't forget to have fun. Again, I hope that this will pass as soon as possible. Lots of love, kisses and hugs xoxox
Hi Lydney24782 ☺... I have the same problem 😒.... I can't believe what comes out of my pores. especially my nose. I squeeze and it seems it's never ending..and afterwards I'm left with creator holes 😔... I steam clean my face now once a week and it's 80% better... I hope you can find your own solution very soon.. All the best ☺
Thank you so much everyone for your replies! Because I’ve had acne before when I was younger, I know what face washes, spot gels & creams etc to try but literally nothing was working. I exhausted all options that I could buy over the counter and even tried antibacterial gel and topical tretinoin from a dermatologist with no change. In the end, I visited my GP and asked to try co cyprindiol contraceptive pill before I resort again to roaccutane. I’ve been taking this pill for 3 weeks and am happy to say that already my skin is almost completely clear and the stuff that’s been coming out of my pores for 2 and a half years has improved about 90%! So impressed with this and would recommend trying if anyone female is having the same issues x
Hi Lynsey24782,
It is Already an old post but I wanted to ask of your skin totally cleared up and how long you have been using this pill. I ask this as I am experiencing the same. The only difference is that I have been supplementing with a high dose of oral B12 but my skin is also getting more and more oily in my t-zone. I also had acne in my teenage years but that also cleared after using the pill. It would be really great to hear from you.
Hey, unfortunately my GP had to take me off of that contraceptive pill as it made my blood pressure shoot up (it’s usually really good). I ended up back at square one with my skin! I ended up getting roaccutane from a dermatologist which did clear things up. The side effects were pretty bad this time around but my skin is so much better ☺️
Hi Lynsey24782, glad to hear that your skin cleared up and everything went back to normal. May I ask for how long you have been using the contraceptive pill before the GP took you off of this pill. So after you quit this pill your skin turned back oily with acne. May I ask what the side effects were of Roaccutane for you this time and how long you were on this medicine. Did you also have an oily skin when you were younger? I have been supplementing with oral Methylcbl 3000mcg for 3 weeks and before this I had totally clear skin for about 20 years and only T-zone acne during my teenage years. I hope you can help me with all the questions as I am just trying to figure out if I should wait and see if my skin turns back to normal on its own or to go to a GP.
Hi, yeah the initial contraceptive prescription was for three months so I had to go back for a review / check up before they would then issue a further prescription. When I went for the three month check up, the blood pressure issue was picked up so they wouldn’t continue with it. My blood pressure dropped back down when I came off. My skin did then go back to breaking out and being very oily quite quickly. The side effects of roaccutane were dry skin / eyes / lips / nose (which is fine and completely normal) but I also suffered with severe joint pain. Even my ribs hurt and it was painful to get out of bed (and I’m normally fit & active and good with pain). I was on it for 4 months and my skin is now good. I did have oily skin when I was younger but t zone only. When I started the B12 injections, it started coming out of all of my pores and was just horrible!! Roaccutane sorted that out for me