I have been diagnosed with b12 defiency but one every three months just isn’t enough and I feel too tired by the end of the 2nd month! Where can you buy them from in the UK?
Where Can I buy vitamin B12 injection... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Where Can I buy vitamin B12 injections from?

Hi Lizzieloo96
Links to all items that you'll need:
Hydroxocobalamin 1mg in 1 ml x 100 (boxes of 10 ampoules also available)
This has been on special offer and last time I looked, it was out of stock - so here's another supplier, just in case (I've bought from both):
Other supplies (syringes, needles, sharps disposal box, alcohol skin wipes):
medisave.co.uk/b-d-2ml-plas... (2ml syringes better than 1ml - easier to draw up B12 and easier to handle than thinner 1ml syringes)
medisave.co.uk/b-d-microlan... Green needles for drawing up)
medisave.co.uk/b-d-microlan... (Blue needles for injecting)
medisave.co.uk/sharpsguard-... (Sharps Bin for disposal of ampoules, needles and syringes)
medisave.co.uk/medisave-pro... (Alcohol injection swabs)
Good luck
P.s. third attempt at posting so sorry for multiple reply messages that you will have received (links were broken so I had to fix, and fix, and fix...re-post, re-post, re-post- suspect HU 'glitch' 😉).
Hi Froggyme. Thank you for the info; I've just ordered from MyCare and Medisave. How long do your B12 orders from Germany usually take?
This is so helpful Thanku. I’ve just ordered. How do I work out how much to take each time? Thanks!
The usual dose is 1mg of B12 per injection. 👍
Sorry, how often? Do you know how much we get in our 10weekly injection from doctors? Thankyou for replying!
GP injections contain 1mg B12.
Frequency of injections can be different for each individual (the NHS one size fits all regime doesn't fit very many people!). The idea is to try and work out what is right for you.
Try doing another injection when your symptoms return (I'm assuming that they return before your usual ten weeks and that's why you want to self inject). The idea is to time injections so that you have them before symptoms return - you will be able to work this out now you have control of how often you have the B12.
If you have neurolgical symptoms guidelines state that injections should be given every other day until your symtpoms stop improving. For some this happens quite quickly, for others it may take many months. If you follow this regime, once you think that you symtpoms have gone or a not improving any further, reduce the frequency slowly (say every three days, then every four, then weekly...and so on, until you hit the point where you’re able to time your injections so that you have them before symptoms return.
Unfortunately, no hard and fast rules here because we’re all different and different frequencies of injections suit each individual.
Good luck 👍
Thanku so much. So I’m basically having 1mg every 10 weeks atm. Every few weeks would be better for me going forward. Thanku for all your help. It really is great x
No problem. Good luck
Sorry one more question, I’ve placed an order from the German company. Are they intramuscular or subcutaneous injections as it says both on the box (but in German) and I thought you inject differently depending? X thanks Ahain.
Hey Foggy. I might just go ahead and buy all of this stuff. Are those blue needles for injecting IM? They look long. Am I correct in thinking that a needle suitable for SC would be shorter?
Blue for IM - yes. 1 and 1/4” - so not too long. Someone with lots of padding would probably need a longer needle for IM.
A shorter needle better for SC - though someone practised at injection could use the blue needle and not slide it in so far.
Thanks. What needle would be more suitable for SC? I'm not yet sure which I'm going to do but it will probably be SC as it looks easier.
BTW, it seems like Bodfeld IS sending out B12 orders to the UK at the moment, right? You just need to make a bank transfer. I know there are some issues with other suppliers.
Thanks again for your help.
Hey. Those syringes aren't available at the moment. Medisave suggests these as an alternative:
I assume those are the same? They look the same.
Hello. I hate to bother you again but I'm an anxious sort. The blue needles you suggest above (1.25 inch) have been out of stock at Medisave for ages now. I've been waiting for them to come back into stock but I was wondering if I could just get their shorter 1 inch blue needles instead?
Would that size difference matter much when injecting? Thanks.
Yes, that will do - the needle is just slightly thick than the orange one (the higher the 'g' number, the thinner the needle).
For SC injection (which I think you intend), the needles don’t need to be so long as for IM injection - and a finer needle causes less discomfort. A longer needle can be used if there’s trouble with supply - it’s just a matter of not inserting it so far. For SC, you need to inject at a 45° angle and make sure that you reach the fat layer under the skin (if you don’t go far enough and end up injecting just 7nder the skin, it won’t cause any harm but you may get a red stain mark under the skin from the B12.if this happens you will know that you need to insert the needle a bit further to reach the fat layers.
Not sure if you’ve ever had a B12 injection before? If not, the first one must be done under direct medical supervision. There have been rare reactions causing anaphylactic shock - and if this occurs immediate medical attention is required (up to and potentially including intubation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation). So please don’t risk doing this at home if you’ve never had a B12 injection before.
Good luck.
I was actually going to do it IM because I got the impression that was better or something.
I haven't had a B1 injection before, no.
I've spent £59 on 100 B12 vials so I really need to just go ahead and try it because I have no way of having it done under medical supervision. If I did then I wouldn't be considering self-injecting.
My only possible option to have any supervision would be to get a B12 injection from a local beauty therapist type, but presumably their medical knowledge is extremely limited.
I do IM, some here do SC. I prefer IM. There isn't any research comparing the two but it’s thought that there is little difference between the two in terms of efficacy.
Yes, it’s difficult when GP's won’t treat. But please, don’t just do this at home. It’s impossible to say that you won’t be that rare person who does go into anaphylactic shock - and if you do it can be fatal - and there’s usually not enough time to get to a hospital or call an ambulance.
Larger beauty salons or 'health' clinics should have the skills and equipment to do basic resuscitation - but many don’t. A single practitioner or small salon is unlikely to be suitably equipped. You could check before booking. Another good alternative would be to book an appointment with a private GP and get them to do your first injection.
I,m sorry that your having these problems. It’s shocking that so many have to go through this just because most GP's don’t understand B12 deficiency.
Oh god but a private GP would be expensive. I was able to convince my partner to go ahead with buying the B12 because it was cheap (i'm unemployed and money is tight) but I don't know about a private GP.
I didn't get anywhere with my GP. I feel totally desperate, I am really unbelievably unwell and very depressed, I feel I need to try this as soon as possible.
I'm really sorry - I wish I could help. But I'd be remiss if I didn’t point out the potential dangers and advise strongly against self-injection for the first one.
Best I can suggest is to try your GP again - or a different one perhaps. Or is there a sympathetic nurse in the surgery who could advocate with a GP on your behalf? And outline what you intend to do - that might prompt them into action?
Hello again Fleecie . I woke up this morning with an idea.
Do you have a 'safe space' anywhere near you where those with a drug dependency can go and self-inject safely? If so, you could telephone and ask if you can go there to do your first B12 injection. I can’t see that they’d have any problem with this - you’re in need of a 'safe space' and that is precisely what they provide.
Some may balk at using a safe space like this but it’s nothing to be ashamed of. The thing that I balk at is the fact that some with B12 deficiency have to go to such lengths in order to self-treat safely due to lack of care and attention from a medic.
So, just something to think about and may be the answer to the problem.
Take care x
P.s it’s a free service so won’t cost you a bean 🙂
Hello. I completely forgot to reply to this at the time you wrote it, so my apologies. I had meant to because it was a good idea and I wanted to thank you for it.
I thought i'd just update you here because you've been so helpful. I took what you said about safety seriously and followed your advice. I found a local beauty clinic where the owner (and the one who does the treatments) is a trained registered NHS nurse.
I checked with her beforehand and she assured me that she would know how to handle a rare anaphylaxis; she had a 'crash bag' with an epi-pen. So I went to see her. I just wanted to reassure that your advice hadn't been ignored and that I decided to not take the (obviously very low, but still) risk of having my first jab alone.
Thanks for that.
I buy from Vesandapo,too, arrives within 5 days. You can buy a pack of 10 syringes/10 blue needles/10 green needles & 10 swabs very cheaply ( under £5) from Amazon. Youll need a sharps box too from Medisave or lots on EBay.

Ah that’s great thank you!

Donu have a link for Amazon? Thanjs
Can’t find them on Amazon but these look good value medisave.co.uk/consumables-...
You can buy sublingual (under the tongue) B12 in high dose (5000mg) over the counter. Take it daily and it will work. I don't think you can get the shots without a script. Remember to hold it under the tongue for a minute before you swallow.
Hi there is a great auto-injector on the market from a company called Union Medico in Copenhagen. It is the only one that does IM injections or Sub-Cut. I swear by mine, couldn't do my injection without it, I'm very needle phobic. Here's the link: unionmedico.com/product/sup...
Hi thanks for suggesting suppliers of B12.
Like previous members Ive have these administered from my GP, but they’re not frequent enough at once in 3 months.
I’m trying to order from the first link and the stock is available, just wondering if you know how to translate the page in English? I don’t understand the detail on the page.
Thank you in advance
Hi Lizzieloo96 I know you posted this a couple of years back, but I wondered how you got on? I'm just embarking on this journey and having seen some B12 injections through a private clinic at £200 for 10 ampoules, I'm wondering where the "DIY kit" from all the helpful sources mentioned above, is a better route to go? I feel a bit nervous doing that without some sort of clinical input or monitoring.
Anyone have any thoughts?
Hi honey,
I ordered the starter kit from the private clinic in Brighton , it was expensive 100 for only 3 ampoules but it came with clear instructions and pictures plus everything I needed to get started it was all very nice and glad I did it as it was my first time injecting myself, you can also call or text them I’d you have questions. I would definitely recline doing this your first time but I am planning to order everything separately in the future to save money