Where can I safely buy B12 methylcobalamin injections? Frightened to just go searching on the Internet.
Where can I safely buy methylcobalami... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Where can I safely buy methylcobalamin injections
If you find out would you let me know please.
You can buy powdered Methylcobalamin from Oxford Biosciences. They will tell you where to buy the saline to reconstitute it . (From an online pharmacy in Germany )
For almost everybody hydroxocobalamin is better than methylcobalamin. It is more stable, it is cheaper and it's easier to obtain. It's easily converted to the two (yes, two) active forms by over 90% of the population. For the rest supplementing with methylfolate (available from Amazon) should fix the problem.
I get my hydroxocobalamin from the German website versandapo.de which is the electronic side of a long-established German pharmacy. It's the sort of place you would get your B12 from if you were German, as a prescription isn't required.
There is an English option (bottom left) of their pages. Search for hydroxocobalamin acetat for the good stuff.
Many thanks for your kind reply but I am looking for methylcobalamin for a variety of reasons. Do you know where I can get that?
Sorry, but I know of no UK sources for injectable methylcobalamin that I would consider using.
You can also get all types of b12 from VitaminB12Online.com website
These no longer ship to the US. I’m not living with PA, I’m dying with it. Thank you government.