Hey I've been on B12 shots for a year, but as the title indicates, I'm still having issues with fatigue. I'm 24, male, and have no other known illnesses.
I did 2 sets of loading doses 6 months apart (1x 1mg/ml injection hydroxocobalamin every 2 days for 2 weeks), and do 1 injection otherwise per month. I'm in the UK, but the whole 'one every 3 months thing' wasn't enough, and I had other neurological symptoms recur when on that 3 month cycle.
After each injection, I take 5 days worth of 5mg folic acid. I try not to go too heavy on the folate to avoid causing other issues.
I've also taken 200mg iron tablets intermittently, but those haven't shown up as low.
I'm confident the injections have supplied B12 properly, as on the 2nd loading dose doctors were concerned as my B12 had exceeded 2000(nmol, I think).
While a lot of issues improved, such as cognition, gained weight, fatigue isn't as bad - it still feels like the fatigue is still noticeable, and not a common factor for someone my age. I'm not sure where I can go from here; I've already had an upper endoscopy, and no abnormalities were found. I've also tried a range of other vitamins, including vitamin D.
Does anyone have any suggestions?