does anyone else find that their tongue feels odd? like bigger, kinda fuzzy and a bit tender around the sides? if that makes sense. is this b12 related ?
weird tongue : does anyone else find... - Pernicious Anaemi...
weird tongue

Sounds like glossitis, a classic symptom of B12 deficiency.
Yes, that's exactly how mine is, it's so annoying. I have been self injecting every other day and taking all the co-factors for over a year, but it is still like it.
Ask to be tested for all the B vitamins. B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 (folate) and B12 deficiencies can all cause glossitis. But you shouldn't supplement any without having them checked first. Too much can be as bad as too little for some of them.
ok thank you ... I'll ask the next time I go .... though she probably won't do it for me :/ she basically said she can't do anymore for me 😐 annoying. but I was very low in folate 6 months ago so maybe that. I take 5mg a day but have started 10 mg for a while to see if any improvement.
It's extremely unlikely that 10 mg will do any good. The recommended amount is 400 ug a day - that's one twentyfifth the amount.
True but when I was deficient in it before the doc gave me 10 and I saw improvement...when I went off I didn't? but I don't know anymore either. ...nothing seems to be working. I know it won't hurt because it's water I self inject every other day so perhaps I am depleted. but again haven't a clue....lowing loads of hair too just can't put my finger in the cause :/
Being water soluble doesn't make it harmless. Cyanide is water soluble.
More B12 doesn't raise folate requirements.
High folate levels have been associated with carcinogenesis, cognitive decline and immune problems.
While there is no clear-cut evidence there's enough doubt to make overdose undesirable.
If in doubt, discuss with a doctor or pharmacist.
Yes, me too. I also get mouth ulcers. Just after the b12 injections I’m fine for a couple weeks then they come back.
Don't ignore the possibility of hypothyroidism. My tongue was swollen and very tender - more towards the tip but all round to some degree.
hmm ok that's interesting.... my test said I wasn't celiac bit I have to eat wheat free as I get sick. I'm going for a gastroscopy soon so I'll know then. thanks
Yes mine gets like that and sometimes gets very sore
Sounds familiar. I started with this about 18 months before a blood test showed reduced B12. the 'quacks' gave me artificial saliva as several lozenges and Zovirax for the sores at the corners of mouth, nothing worked. I also lost the taste for red wine with it being beyond unpleasant. The problem had appeared following an uncharacteristic accident on York Station platform when I tripped, my right foot dropped, when jogging for a train and butted a wall then did a 3 point landing on toes and nose. Smashed and split nose, teeth through bottom lip, damaged ribs and blood all over the place.
I am sure it is B12 related as a recent regime of weekly self injections has almost removed the glossitis and sore mouth as well as allowing me to drink a couple of glasses of a robust Fitou this past weekend. There is also the added benefit of reduction of electric shock pains in hands and feet and elimination of tingling in fingers and toes together with less tinnitus. My wife recognises when the problems are returning and when I need to administer another dose of hydroxocobalamin.
I also find cherry menthol sweets very good for temporary relief from dry mouth and tongue.
I haven't had it myself but it is a classic sign of B12 deficiency. My niece was diagnosed by a surgeon who recognised the characteristic appearance when the GP had asked for a biopsy!
Yes..over many yrs, Thrush mostly suggested and treated, but past 5 months all the time GP - home visits every 4 weeks - is going to see about tongue biopsy, this was suggested 2001, never happened - for Lichens Planus..
We'll see..