How common is swollen tongue when it comes to nutritional deficiency anemia .
Swollen tongue: How common is swollen... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Swollen tongue

I don't think we even know how common b12 amemia is because many are undiagnosed for years.... So we can't know the numbers on how many have swollen tongues. I had it. Had teeth marks like a scalloped edge around it and felt too big for my mouth. Was always chomping it between my teeth. It seems to say its very common but not how common exactly.

Okay sir even my tongue at the back is swollen like anything but at the tip it's normal
Mine was the sides were all teeth marked ... Had no idea what it was.

😂😂 luckily I still haven't got any such teeth marks but I'll soon bcz now when I open my mouth I can just see my swollen fat tongue
It was also making me breath through my mouth which isn't good!mine went away very quickly thank goodness.

I'm having a hard time and I don't know why whenever I drink water I feel an urge to pee within 10-15 mins I'm feeling dehydrated I'm drinking ample of water but can't help it n being an indian visiting a hospital now is like going on a war against covid
Are the supplements you are taking giving you diarrhea?
Don't know what's wrong Is it the supplement or anything inside of me is causing this problem
Iron tablets can cause diarrhea which may explain why you feel dehydrated. Can you talk to your Doctor on the telephone about it?
I'm so sorry about what is going on in your Country with Covid, and sincerely hope that things will improve soon.
Thank you so very much ma'am Yess things have got worst there is only 1 iron tablet which is been prescribed to me it has ferrous ascorbate in it
And thank you for letting me know what was the reason behind this frequent urination
🙏🏼 Take care ma'am
Yes , a fairly a common symptom of Vitamin B 12 deficiency . I believe it’s called glossitis . But it will resolve itself when you get adequate treatment .
Before treatment for PA, I would often wake up struggling to swallow due to my tongue being so swollen. I lost count of how many times I bit my tongue in my sleep and was so sore & bleeding when I woke up.Since treatment it hasn't happened once in two years.
My swollen sore tongue healed quickly after starting b12
By about 2 months much better, in about 3 months normal. You’re still in the early stage for healing, keep going.
Hi I am glad you asked this I had this symptom for years until my consultant sent me to a dietician. She told me just how common this is but not even talked about by most professionals. She started me ensure plus and forceval plus all effervescent so I could get maximum absorption from the vitamins and minerals meaning any food I managed to absorb would be a bounus. I do have Chrons disease also due to having an ileostomy and a lot of further operations I have been diagnosed as having a short bowel syndrome. You could try both ensure and forceval plus. I would say that these products are helpful to me

I would think this is quite a common symptom for B12 deficiency. If you look at lists of symptoms it is always there, often listed as "glossitis". I have had a large burning tongue since the start, often with "pie-crust" edges - the bite-marks mentioned in replies above. Can be very coated on surface too and has a deep groove down the middle- think it has to fold up a bit just to fit in ! It can be difficult to breathe around at times.
This is a symptom that usually disappears once B12 injections start to work.
Because mine did not go, I am seeing an Oral Medicine consultant who is trying to find a reason for this and has already helped me with what was constant angular cheilitis- which is when corners of mouth get sore, split and bleed. He would also like me to reduce my injection frequency now.
I used to get very disheartened when they tried to treat B12 deficiency one symptom at a time by sending me to various consultants, but now that I am self injecting B12 frequently, I am grateful for the fresh eyes on the situation and help with remaining symptoms.
If more can go, let's get rid. If it can't, at least I tried !
I think it might be a useful indicator of your health as very easy for a doctor to see. Also later on, it might help you to notice improvements and remind you when your next injection is due. Let's hope that it goes altogether soon.
I SI every other day and I know if I have left this by even half a day by my tongue getting beefy, scalloped at the sides, and sore.
Mine seems to be a permanent thing.
Consultant so far has not managed to grow any cultures, which I think surprised him as he expected a staphylococcal infection or candida. He wanted ferritin level at 80 ug/L or more, which took a fair bit of supplementing but now there. Angular cheilitis now not so much of a permanent thing, but returns now and then. Can have a fortnight without that now. Small victories still count !
My B12 deficiency symptoms must have improved significantly for me to even notice my burning tongue- so really reluctant to reduce frequency of injections further, as I can only attribute any progress to self injecting B12 plus daily multivitamin and mineral tablet- and vitamin D on prescription which hopefully is stopping any further osteoporosis of the spine.
Can u please tell me what coating you are talking about coated surface plz elaborate because even I'm having a white tongue but that's not a oral thrush or candida because it's not a layer or anything it's just my tongue has become a little pale
You have anemia ...that makes your tongue pale when you don't have enough iron. Also under the eyelids when you pull them down. thats how my mom would check my iron. Because it is usually seen in the tissues before it is notable in the blood. the blood is the last place you see deficiencies and yet the first and usually only place they test for them. So my mom uses the old fashioned way and when I did a blood test she was right. Once your iron starts to get better your tongue will become more pink again.

I'm taking iron pills for 2 months now still no improvement how long will I've to continue taking iron pills ?
I don't know. I think it depends how low you were to start with. With iron you store it in your liver and by the time the stores of the liver are depleted it starts to affect your blood so by the time it shows up in blood work its at a severe stage. Your body can only absorb so much of it in a day and can only rebuild so much of its stores and repair so much blood in a day too. So putting it into you is only one element of recovery. I found the tablets didn't do anything for me bar make me feel dreadful and my poo turn black. I didn't feel in was absorbing it. So I started taking vitamin c eating non heme iron and black pudding. Which made me feel good. I got a pleasant feeling from that. Maybe because the blood pudding and liver has also got other elements nessisary for repair or because it was better dugested and absorbed I don't know. But it takes as long as it takes. Could be six months. I took iron tablets for two months maybe three and have been eating the black pudding for another six or nine months so a year since I started and my levels are now normal in blood test but I'm trying to make sure I get enough from my diet now. Which is hard. Are you female do you mind me asking? I know that females need a lot more iron than men and if you have periods every time you have one you lose a lot of iron as well if they are heavy or long you use more. Also with the huge dose tablets the doctor gives you not all of that is absorbed and with over the counter iron there is not enough for women in them. They usually are 14 to 17 mg and a menstruating woman needs something like 27mg. So if you're taking over the counter and not getting the extra ten in your diet you may not be taking enough. You also need vitimin c to either absorb it or to use it I can't remember which but raising vitamin c intake cane raise your iron levels on its own. So very important to also get vitimin c. If you mean you feel no improvement of symptoms for two months maybe try some dietary sources I felt so good after trying the blood pudding and liver and things. There are also tablets of dried blood and dried spleen capsules you can buy. I think if we have one deficiency it is likely we have others and since they all work together it is ideal to get a food supply which has a lot of elements that work together. But it does take time for it to work and certainly for me it took about four months ..two months of tablets and two of eating it to feel like it was getting better. At the same time I had other deficiencies which cause similar symptoms so very hard to compartmentalise everything. That's why now I just want to get every single thing every day that is recommended and keep that up for the rest of my life so I don't end up malnourished again.

I'm a male 🤣 My iron is low and ferritin (the iron which is stored is even less) my mother is anemic too so I've got this problem since birth will try eating as much chicken liver as possible
Even I've b12 deficiency too
Both b12 n iron are making my life miserable
My mom too. She just got an iron infusion. Goes straight into the blood I think. Are you taking prescribed tablets or over the counter? At least you don't bleed half of your efforts away every month but even so if you have had it a long time it will take time to get better.

My doctor has prescribed me ferrous ascorbate tablets
I think Hidden is probably right about your iron.I just had a Google look at "glossitis B12 deficiency" images - but "glossitis iron" images might be worth a look.
Since you already are being treated for B12 and iron deficiencies and both of these will take some time to put right, if I was you I would be more concerned about thirst and frequent urination - this could be a lot of things, and only some of them serious, but we aren't doctors. Fortunately, I think you said you have a family member who is !
Please see if s/he can help you with this problem. Worth trying for an answer.
This might be something easy to correct quickly or something that could get worse quickly, I wouldn't know - but keep drinking too.
You must be feeling very low right now, and at a loss where to turn in the middle of this crisis. Keep yourself safe. At some later point, you will need help to find out why you have become so deficient, and your progress will need monitoring.
Rest for now, as much as you can.
You cannot take too much B12 as there is no known level at which it is dangerous in your system, and you are far from a point where you need to worry about too much iron at the moment.
Be patient and try not to get anxious, because this will take some time.
That's so sweet of you ma'am 🙏🏼 N how do you know that I'm always thirsty and have frequent urination this is because of all the medicines ?
I don't feel low I've accepted this type of a life so I'm used to it but this changes which are happening to my body worry me sometimes
How do you know - unless you ask an expert ?If I was the doctor-member of your family, and you got ill because you didn't want to bother me with your problems, I think I'd feel very guilty that I hadn't helped out in some way.
Be safe.
Have you thought about diabetes? You can get urine dipstick tests from your pharmacy to check for high sugar levels.
I have PA and when I’m getting low on my B12 mine hurts and people with PA and b12 can get ulcers too which are painful.
I have both at the moment, when you get the right amount of b12 for you it can take up to 2 weeks to settle down (advice from a doc)
I have the pee thing, I’m worse again when my b12 is due. I would get checked out if you can to see what your level of b12 and iron is doing.