Daughter died - put me in a deep depression. Anyway, after being diagnosed with b12, folate and magnesium deficiency, I am SI hydroxocobalamin every other day. As well as taking supplements for b6, folate, magnesium. Could my lack of movement over the years be only part of my story or is it all b12 def. symptom? Should I exercise? I can walk with a walker ... Thanks.
I walk like a drunk. But I wonder - ... - Pernicious Anaemi...
I walk like a drunk. But I wonder - I've been bed bound for 2 years ...

Wow! Blinkysmom that is so sad and my heart goes out to you.
Hopefully the treatment will soon begin to show results but as you say a lot will depend on how bad and long was your deficiency before it started.
I'm not a medically trained person but there are others on here who will be able to advise you.
I would say that a little exercise will always be a good thing (unless your doctor has said not to), just don't put yourself under pressure or try and do too much at once, as if you react badly it will put you off. Try and make it enjoyable as well, so short walks in a nice environment with lots of fresh air, or round the garden if you have one, would be a good start. When you feel stronger, something like T'ai Chi is slow and gentle and great for balance and coordination.
Be careful with B6 as it can lead to serious side effects.
In order to stop walking like a drunk I had to stop eating gluten as well as improve my B12 levels.
I have been tested and told I don't have coeliac disease. But gluten doesn't just affect the gut, it affects the brain, particularly the cerebellum.
There is a condition called gluten ataxia which I've decided is likely to be what I have.
The above link describes the condition as rare. I don't believe that at all, I suspect it is very common but is attributed to the wrong things.
I still have problems walking like a normal person in the dark, but my daytime walking has vastly improved since I gave up gluten. I haven't seen a doctor about giving up gluten - I didn't need my doctor's approval to try this experiment! And since the benefits have been so obvious I've just kept it going.
Thank you. I'll try it.