Hi All! This is my first time posting. I was dx with PA in 2014. We are having a hard time keeping my numbers up and have tried front loading regularly and I am currently on a injection every 3 weeks (US). I also have been prescribed nasal B12 spray for weekly supplementation. My numbers are still regularly only in the 2-300 range and my MCV and MCH have never gone back down to "normal" range. I also have been iron anemic (which have never brought my MCV and MCH down surprisingly) and received a feraheme infusion last winter that is still holding me for now in that area.
My question is just to try to find that is "normal" for the rest of you on correct treatment. Do your MCV and MCH stay in the normal range when you are on the best injection schedule for your PA? We have wondered if maybe my B12 blood level isn't showing my real level and is falsely low, but I would think if that were true my MCH and MCV would be normal and that my blood cells wouldn't be fat if they weren't macrocytic. Am I understanding that correct?
My WBC and lymphocyte count have been flirting back and forth with below normal for the past year or so as well, so my hematologist and I have been thinking about the idea of doing a bone marrow biopsy to see if there is something besides PA going on.
I do also have secondary adrenal insufficiency, but am high functioning and very healthy otherwise.
Thanks! Alex